New book now on pre-sale: The Great Post Office Cover-Up

(draft cover)

I am delighted to announce I have struck a deal with Bath Publishing’s new-ish Cinto imprint to write another book about the Post Office scandal. This one will be called The Great Post Office Cover-Up.

You can pre-buy it here:

Cinto will be printing both a £15+P&P signed limited edition hardback and a £10+P&P paperback. Putting your money down now will help support an independent publisher. As before 5% of my income from the book and 5% of Cinto’s income from the book will be donated to the Horizon Scandal Fund.

We will aim to get The Great Post Office Cover-Up published within weeks of the Post Office Horizon IT inquiry final report, which could drop any time next year. If you can buy a copy before publication date I would be enormously grateful.

More info from the press release below:

“Bath Publishing, under its Cinto Press imprint, has signed Nick Wallis for a second book on the Post Office scandal. The Great Post Office Cover-Up reworks and updates the story using the fresh evidence unearthed by the Inquiry from those working inside the Post Office, Fujitsu and government. Nick bolsters this with his own new investigations and interviews with some of the key players and victims, more of whom came to light after the ITV drama, Mr Bates vs
The Post Office was aired. The Great Post Office Cover-Up will be published in 2025 soon after the Inquiry reports. A
companion piece to its predecessor, The Great Post Office Scandal, The Great Post Office Cover-Up will become the definitive account of one of the darkest episodes in modern British history.

Commenting, Nick said: “Since writing The Great Post Office Scandal I’ve continued to follow every twist and turn of this story which just kept getting bigger. Over the last three years we’ve learned so much about what was really going on inside the Post Office, Fujitsu, government and parliament. Senior managers delayed and denied Subpostmasters justice, covering up one of the greatest miscarriages of justice in history. I am delighted to be working with the
team at Cinto Press again to make sure the full truth is published.”

Publisher David Chaplin said: “So much has happened since we published the original book in November 2021, not least the extraordinary reaction of the public to the ITV drama, Mr Bates vs The Post Office. We are honoured to be involved in what we think will become a landmark book about this tragic episode.”

Bath Publishing has been active for twenty years and under its new Cinto Press imprint has extended their list to mainstream fiction and non-fiction titles, mostly with a legal twist.

29 responses to “New book now on pre-sale: The Great Post Office Cover-Up”

  1. Sally Mary Kathleen Stringer avatar
    Sally Mary Kathleen Stringer

    Hi Nick
    Happy New Year, Please advise when new book out, do we pay in advance to publishers or get a bill? As part of GLO 555 congratulations on the factual background of original that the Inquiry didn’t have the time to deal with. Really looking forward to the absolutely damning content of your new book that followed the Inquiry. There really were some absolute snakes participating from DBT and POL

    1. Thanks Sally. Thanks for the kind words. It’s a pay-in-advance option only at the moment.

  2. Christopher Lennon avatar
    Christopher Lennon

    It appears the discounted hardback edition of the new book is no longer available, even before it has been completed, much less published, because, trying to order a copy on the Cinto website, only the paperback edition comes up. I purchased the first book in hardback, so hoped for a companion volume.

    1. Hi Christopher – the option for paperback is part of a drop down menu. If you click on it the hardback option is revealed. I understand there are still some numbered signed editions left (we are doing 1000), but thereafter there will be an unsigned, unnumbered hardback option! Best. Nick

  3. Interested Observer avatar
    Interested Observer

    I really look forward to reading your new book.

    You have done amazing work surfacing this mess over the years.

  4. Nick,
    Hardback purchased and I look forward to reading it alongside Sir Wyn’s report. I was glad to hear you get a well deserved shout-out from Mr Stein through the week!

    1. Thank you!

  5. […] am writing a new book about the Post Office scandal called The Great Post Office Cover-Up. You can put your money down now for a limited edition signed, numbered, hardback copy. Doing so […]

  6. […] am writing a new book about the Post Office scandal called The Great Post Office Cover-Up. You can put your money down now for a limited edition signed, numbered, hardback copy. Doing so […]

  7. I’m looking forward to the next book to be written by you. Your last one certainly opened my eyes as to what was going on. I hope you are producing a Kindle edition as I can’t now hold a book.
    Eileen Read.

  8. Dear Nick
    This is good news, I’ve hoping you would write a follow-up. I pre-ordered straight away. Your book worked as a splendid reference book during the enquiry. Thank you.

    1. Thank you!

  9. james john Cavanagh avatar
    james john Cavanagh

    When are these thugs in suits going to be held responsible for their lies, delete, and downright blatant thuggery in some cases,
    When are thes people going to be held responsible , or is this just going to be another committee that will take twenty more years to decide it’s too late to take any further action , it’s time somebody paid for this happening.

  10. james john Cavanagh avatar
    james john Cavanagh

    Mr Perry got it very right by his comment Thug’s in Suits that’s exactly what they are, and still are thugs who got away with stealing money from innocent people and caused these same people to be put in prison, and some committed suicide because of nasty individuals who tried to make themselves look good , nothing but a bunch of Bandit’s.

  11. Il be among the first to read and Listen to the upcoming book.. The first book on audible I was up through an entire night as could not stop listening.
    Nick Wallis for the tireless work you have done for so long and continue to do, you are one of the hero’s if the whole sorry tragic story.. You should be knighted my good man

  12. sorry to be confused …is this a new book or an updated version of the previous one?

    1. Completely new book.

  13. Brilliant Nick, you kindly signed your first book KOB ? I will be orders the next edition… thankyou for your perseverance and exposing the corrupt POL & Fujitsu executives and bent Lawyers.. let’s pray 🙏 and hope Sir Wynn will recommend they are prosecuted and imprisoned for a very long time… they deserve nothing less..

  14. Is anyone going to be locked up for this debacle ???

  15. Yes please hard back . well done and thanks

  16. Will there be an audiobook please Nick?

    1. Probably!

      1. Please, please do an audiobook version. I’ll be first in the queue.

        1. I’ll be right behind you.

      2. Pre-ordered the hardback but will definitely buy the audiobook. I really enjoyed listening to the first book on Audible and the podcast on BBC sounds.

        As a narrator you could be the next Stephen Fry.

        How about narrating QI – the book of general post office ignorance?

        You might even get a TV Series out of it. The follow up being a quiz show where the contestants try to get compensation but despite winning just receive a Blankety Blank cheque book and pen.

        Unlike the prosecuting lawyers in the spin off drama series presumed guilty.

        Another idea – you would be excellent narrating John Mortimer’s books. Or perhaps writing a book yourself about a brilliant barrister with a wicked sense of humour?

        Beer of the Bailey.

  17. I look forward to it including no doubt the awful behaviour that continued during the enquiry by those who alleged things have changed when they clearly have not. Thugs in suits indeed.

  18. CONGRATULATIONS on your new book deal Nick – I look forward to reading it! (Copy duly pre-ordered.)

    1. Thank you!

  19. I’m keen to pre buy! thanks Nick.

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