Independent board demands quashing of ‘Capture Convictions’

Professor Christopher Hodges OBE

UPDATE: A government spokesperson has today [25 October 2024] issued the following statement in response to the HCAB’s letter:

“The Post Office Offences Act 2024 was a truly exceptional response to unprecedented circumstances where hundreds of convictions based on evidence from the Horizon system were considered to be unsafe.  

“The Criminal Cases Review Commission is looking into a small number of convictions which may be based on evidence from the Capture computer system. If they consider that there is a real possibility that these convictions are unsafe, they will be referred to the Court of Appeal.”


The body set up to advise the government on matters relating to compensating Subpostmasters has called for the quashing of all convictions brought using data from a predecessor to the Horizon IT system.

Professor Chris Hodges, chair of the Horizon Compensation Advisory Board (HCAB), has written to the Lord Chancellor about ‘Capture’, a piece of accounting software sold by the Post Office to its Subpostmasters between 1992 and 1999. “Evidence” from the Capture system was sometimes used to prosecute Subpostmasters who had accounting discrepancies in their branches.

A recent report by the investigations agency Kroll concluded that “there was a reasonable likelihood that Capture could have created shortfalls for Subpostmasters“.

In his letter to Shabana Mahmood, dated 22 October, Hodges writes that he and his advisory board members “have read the Kroll Report and media stories of the terrible experiences of individuals, and seen statistics about the number of Post Office investigations and prosecutions from the ’Capture years’. Sickeningly, the evidence about the behaviour of Post Office investigations and management is the same as what took place in relation to the Horizon victims.”

The letter states: “the Horizon and Capture situations seem to us to be indistinguishable.”

Hodges and his fellow board members – Lord Arbuthnot, Lord Beamish (formerly Kevan Jones MP) and Professor Richard Moorhead – make it quite clear what they think should happen next:

Justice requires to be consistently and swiftly delivered. We cannot see that the Court of Appeal’s process or presumptions will assist in delivering justice in these cases…. The Capture victims deserve particular speed in response in view of their greater duration of suffering and their advancing age. We urge you to overturn all the Post Office-driven convictions from the Capture period by legislation as soon as possible.” [their italics]

I have called the Ministry of Justice and asked whether the Lord Chancellor will overturn the ‘Capture Convictions’ in the light of the HCAB’s demand. As soon as I get a response I will update this post.

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14 responses to “Independent board demands quashing of ‘Capture Convictions’”

  1. It is obvious to myself an ordinary not highly educated that many members of the post office management higher level have done a severe injustice to the branch managers and owners of the local post office branches around Great Britain .
    They have lied, and redacted official documents that would probably proved they had wrongly convicted many, many , post office branches workers and are now disposing of paper work that proves the higher level of Post Office management are now running away from the total monetary farce they created.
    They should all be taken to task about what they did to post office branches owners , and any workers taken up by this incompetent farce caused by faulty computers.

  2. Unsatisfactory response from the Government. Work to be done.

  3. I wish the last government had done the honorable thing and paid out tax free the £. 1 million …if they had they might have won the last election
    What is this costing a week ?
    We should be told…
    Asking our King to force this through is the first real suggestion
    Now ….not in 3 years
    Also when will ALL the board of directors go to prison ?
    If not why not
    Also who sanctioned the £20 million to the lawyers acting against the SPM?
    Everyone of us since the documentary knows that we the tax payers have funded this for over 20 years

    imagine me a 10-year-old in 2010 in a little village where my. Mum and dad run the post office and one day I came home from school to my home above the post office to see wide boy thugs padlocking the post office and taking my pregnant mother off to prison .
    For the next 15 years we are all treated like crooks … in the meantime my father kills himslelf
    Mother and our family are and have been broken for 20 yearswhen you are 20 and your father has committed suicide
    None of us will ever survive even for £ 10 million pounds

    1. Patrick Sedgwick avatar
      Patrick Sedgwick

      Heartbreakingly tragic. So sorry to read your story.

    2. Chris Lambert-Shiels avatar
      Chris Lambert-Shiels

      RE “when will ALL the board of directors go to prison?” – the turnover of board directors in the period (~60-70?) was such that they might need a new prison!
      Of course that level turnover might be one reason no-one took it seriously – either they were new, or they were thinking of leaving!

      1. Interested Observer avatar
        Interested Observer

        Anyone with any moral standards would leave as soon as they sensed what was going on.

        Looked at objectively a lot of people simply wouldn’t believe what has been uncovered.

        It is proper conspiracy theory level goings on. Only thing is a High Court judge has said it is true. And now we have seen the documents that prove it is true.

  4. Stephen McClelland avatar
    Stephen McClelland

    Really fed up reading all this mumbo jumbo now…just another 3 years to go ? When are the the SPMs going to get the justice and £ compensation ? Why does our wonderful new Monarch not simply intervene and say stop this feeding frenzy for lawyers… pay all the victims say £1mil and then shut it all down ? Its just a game for the Establishment.. they always win (mega bucks for the legal bods vs. compo for the little people) Jason Beer is involved in at least 7 different inquiries at present ..including grenfell and salisbury +x number of others ( check out his chamber’s website ) Watched the salisbury one last week ..questions were rubbish but good work if you can get it.. a cop was asked by Mansfield ..why did you cross the cordon line ? Guess he has never watched Hot Fuzz. Cop was pathetic really was not a thinker on his feet.

    1. But wasn’t it this Inquiry which brought to light the shameful dishonesty of a large number of people at various levels within the Post Office to begin with?

      If you believe that there should not be inquiries, which of necessity are long, complex, affairs, how would you seek to determine responsibility, not to mention who should or should not be compensated, and who should, or should not, face investigation?

      1. Interested Observer avatar
        Interested Observer

        The inquiry has clearly brought out the dishonesty of lawyers, barristers, ministers, senior civil servants, board members and post office staff. None of whom appeared capable of understanding never mind executing their professional duties.

        It has also shamed the legal profession and courts who label themselves a Rolls Royce service to justify the obscene costs but are unable to get the basics right or generally ask a few obvious questions.

        Lawfare, fought with the ££££ bazooka is, however, alive and well. So that is OK then!

        1. I.O – Intelligent Observations…many thanks.

    2. Excellent MrMclelland, You and many other people are tired of what is an interesting but ultimately unnecessary long process, it is already a charade and as you say a feeding frenzy for the legal brigade, many are getting fat on the back of this criminal catastrophe but not those who suffered most. The very thought of those desperately unfortunate souls at the hands and lash of cruel gossip who could, would and did inflict more pain than the P.O. in criminal accusations and prosecution/persecutions(s). All very well and dandy turning Inquiry inquisitors into minor celebrities yet far from clear who is and will be successfully prosecuted, unlike the carte blanche system of SPM prosecution(s). It has revealed the appalling duplicity of the high-ranking judiciary and its willingness to weave and bend for filthy lucre, the attempt to have Lord Fraser removed beggars belief and lends reason to the mistrust by many of m’luds. It’s an attempt by the Establishment to cleanse itself, and in clumsiness has lathered itself in the even deeper mire of antiquated and deeply skewed procedures. that have turned it into a not-at-all-funny Alice in Wonderland show trial without a single conviction, if ever the English Establishment were shown to be outdated or long over run it’s case, it’s the Inquiry malarkey.

      1. MICHAEL ROLLINGS avatar

        The Covid enquiry cost millions. The blood transfusion scandal….millions. The sub post masters have already forked out millions in a legal case where their backers took a risk and took the lions share of the compensation won.
        Judge Fraser had sound judgement and they tried to close him down…and so it goes on.
        It is beyond belief what some sub postmasters suffered. See Michael Scot’s letter.
        Real people are those who have to make a wage packet each week. It is a reality check. Is there opinion ever sought, too often main decisions left to those in the establishment. Any speaking out are described as fascists, right wing thugs (Quote:Starmer) .My old man was self made and he introduced me to the expression “crooks in suits”,, that was 50 years ago. Has anything changed.?

  5. Interested Observer avatar
    Interested Observer

    I’m not surprised.

    CAPTURE was an amateur hour product of the era that everyone thought EXEL could run the world.

    In an era when spreadsheet programs inherently contained errors anyway.

    1. Patrick Sedgwick avatar

      …except that Capture was not a spreadsheet. It was a Post Office-written database package. Kroll and others have proved that it was capable of miscalculations which “lost money” from its internal balance and created stated but non-existent shortfalls in its outputs.

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