Dame Sandra Dawson vs Paula Vennells’ lawyer

I am publishing this blog post largely as an excuse to use one of my favourite screenshots of the entire Inquiry. See above.

Corporate governance experts Dame Sandra Dawson and Dr Katy Steward wrote two lengthy reports about the Post Office’s corporate governance responsibilities and failings when it came to the scandal. On 12 and 13 November they were invited to answer questions about them.

For a deep dive into their findings, please read this forensic and frankly much more sensible substack post by Professor Richard Moorhead. For those of you who sometimes just like a snapshot of esoteric weirdness, please read the following exchange which took place between Paula Vennells’ barrister Paul Casey and Dame Sandra Dawson during the Inquiry on 13 November, as Dr Steward looked on in wonder.

Remember, Paula Vennells is currently engaged in potentially preparing a criminal case defence which might ultimately stop her going to jail, being convicted, or even charged with any offence. Anyway, here goes:

Paul Casey: I’m going to ask some questions on behalf of Paula Vennells, the former CEO. I’m going to ask two sets of questions. The first are questions are based on assumed facts, which I’m going to ask you to assume without asking you to accept them, on various matters. Then my second set of questions will be about the role of the general counsel.
Firstly, I’d ask you to assume that, in between Board meetings, Ms Vennells and Ms [Alice] Perkins [former Post Office Chair] were in regular contact about the matters covered in your second report. My question is: on the assumption that that is correct, that they were in regular discussions about Second Sight Report and the prosecution case review, would that, in principle, have assisted Ms Perkins as Chairman to determine what issues should come before the Board?
Dame Sandra: As I understand the question, if we assume they were in regular contact, would we assume that that
would mean that Ms Perkins was appraised of matters to been before the Board; was that the question?
PC: Well, the question is slightly more general than that, that on the assumption that they were in regular contact between Board meetings, would that contact have assisted Ms Perkins in deciding what issues should come before the Board for discussion?
DS: I imagine it would.
PC: The next assumption I want to put to you is this: whilst Second Sight [independent investigators commissioned by Perkins and Vennells] were working on the postmaster cases between 2012 and the publication of their report in July 2013, there was a core team from Post Office who were liaising with Second Sight. I want you to assume that that core team consisted of, firstly, a Senior IT Manager; secondly, a Manager from the Accounting Department of Post Office, which dealt with postmaster complaints and disputes; thirdly, a Senior Manager from Network which liaised with the Branch Network; and, fourthly, Susan Crichton, the General Counsel. Now, you spoke yesterday of the importance of sharing knowledge horizontally across the business and my question is: on those assumed facts, would that be an example of knowledge being shared horizontally in relation to the issues covered in your second report?
DS: If it were to exist it would be an example that there was a structure in which it was possible to share information. Whether or not that information was actually shared, I can’t say.
PC: Yes, I’m not asking you to assume that.
DS: There is a structure there, apparently.
PC: Yes. So my next related assumption is that that same team considered the Second Sight Interim Report when it was published in July 2013, and that the information that was presented to the Executive and the Board about the Second Sight Interim Report, was derived from the work product of that team. So the question is again: would that be an example of a structure where knowledge was to be shared horizontally?
DS: But I don’t believe we saw any evidence of that.
PC: I’m not asking you whether you saw any evidence of it; I’m asking you to assume that that was the team who, on behalf of Post Office, considered the merits of the Second Sight Interim Report.
DS: If you’re saying to me: if it were to have been considered by people from different functions,
would that have been example of multi-functional consideration…

Paul Casey on the mic

PC: Yes.
DS: …well, self-evidently it would.
PC: Thank you very much. I want to move on to the role of the General Counsel, please, and could we bring
up WITN10010101 [Post Office job description as provided to incoming General Counsel Jane MacLeod in 2015]. Is this a document you have seen?
DS: Is this the 2015 document?
PC: Yes.
DS: Yes, I have.
PC: Now, if we go over to the second page of this document, the first two paragraphs contain a summary of
the role and responsibilities of the General Counsel. It says: “The General Counsel is responsible for managing the
Company Secretariat, Internal Audit, Legal, Risk and Compliance and Security Teams.
” Then in the second paragraph, it says: “The Legal Team of 12 are responsibility for managing all aspects of legal risk, identifying and solving strategic and operational legal issues, and providing understandable, accurate and timely advice to the business on a very wide-ranging and changing set of complex issues, which are frequently novel and to short deadlines.” Now, you’ve said today that you haven’t looked into the regulatory rules by which general counsel must operate.
DS: Yes.
PC: I take it you’ve also not looked into the question of the legal duties that they will owe to Post Office as their client.
DS: We’re… no, you’re… I have to not looked in detail at the role of the General Counsel in this
regard. That’s right. I should say that the first paragraph is, of course, this is the Post Office’s construction of the role of the General Counsel.
PC: Yes
DS: Yes.
PC: What I’d just like to ask you about, though, are the expectations that the Board would have of what a General Counsel would bring to them. So, just looking at that second paragraph, it identifies three functions. The first of those is responsibility for managing all aspects of legal risk. Do you agree it would be an expectation of the POL [Post Office Ltd] Board that the General Counsel would collate legal risks to them?
DS: Yes, nothing can abrogate the responsibility of the Chief Executive for overall responsibility. One can define the responsibility of the director of marketing, the director of strategy, the finance director, unless he or she is a member of the board, and the general counsel, one can define their responsibilities but that responsibility is held within an executive team, and the Chief Executive is the responsible person for that executive team. I don’t know if that’s relevant to your question but it seemed relevant to me.
PC: Thank you. My question is: would you agree that a Board of POL would have an expectation that the General Counsel would alert them to legal risks?
DS: Absolutely.
PC: Mr Aujard, who was one of the General Counsel during Ms Vennells’ tenure, agreed with a proposition during his oral evidence that a General Counsel should be proactive in identifying legal risks to the business; do you agree with that?
DS: Indeed I do. I agree that, above all, all the executive directors, and some with special responsibility, should be proactive, creative, do their job. I completely agree with that.
PC: Would you agree that the reason for proactivity in identifying legal risks is that the GC may be aware,
by nature of their profession, of risks of which a lay board and a lay executive may well be unaware?
DS: I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that.
PC: Would you agree that the reason why a GC needs to be proactive in alerting the business to legal risks that – and my emphasis is on legal – is that the GC may well be aware, because of their profession, of risks of which a non-lawyer may be unaware?
DS: Indeed.
PC: Now, the second role identified in this document of the GC is solving strategic and operational legal issues. Again, do you agree a board would have an expectation that that is something that a GC would do?
DS: As I say, within the overall structure of what an executive team is, with the Chief Executive being ultimately responsible, I completely agree with this statement…
PC: And…
DS: …because it’s their statement. I think it’s very important to know that this is what POL determined in 2015 that they wanted of their General Counsel and it would be reasonable for the Board to believe that what they wanted would be what they got.
PC: Obviously a General Counsel may have spent their professional life in one particular area of the law. Do you think that a General Counsel should, if an issue crops up that they are not familiar with, engage external counsel to assist them?
DS: I do.
PC: Then the third role of the General Counsel set out here is to provide understandable, accurate and timely advice to the business. Can you agree that that would be an…
DS: I do.
PC: …would be an expectation? Do you agree a board would have an expectation that a GC who was performing these roles, unless they knew something to the contrary, would be performing them competently?
DS: The assumption would be that an executive director, a member of a senior team, was performing their role appropriately, and that, if they weren’t, it would be picked up through performance management matters.
PC: If a board received a paper from the GC, from which it was clear that the GC had received external advice and was providing a summary of that external advice in their paper to the board, wouldn’t the assumption of the board be that that paper contained what they needed to know?
DS: That would be a reasonable assumption.
PC: Thank you very much, I’ve no more questions.

Go figure.

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25 responses to “Dame Sandra Dawson vs Paula Vennells’ lawyer”

  1. The Post Office scandal is like a cautionary tale of epic proportions. Reading about Dame Sandra Dawson vs. Paula Vennells’ lawyer feels like watching a legal boxing match with plenty of twists and turns. It reminds me of starting an online casino—complex, full of risks, and requiring absolute transparency to maintain trust. The stakes are high, whether it’s ensuring justice for sub-postmasters or learning how to navigate the online gambling industry. At least with a casino https://www.softswiss.com/knowledge-base/start-online-casino-uk/, the odds are clear—unlike the murky waters of this ongoing saga.

  2. Vennells and the Board were FULLY informed about Horizon problems. From regular Risk Reviews generated by the Information Security team.

  3. Oliver Harrison avatar

    Vennells is the one who said of Crichton that she was “possibly more loyal to her professional conduct requirements and put her integrity as a lawyer above the interests of the business”

    When challenged on that she wriggled and attempted to make it mean something else, prompting Beer to deadpan that maybe it was a “misunderstanding between you and the keyboard you were typing on”.

    She’s toast. If she isn’t send down (along with a score of others) then there’s no justice for the SPMs.

  4. Rachel Collingbourne avatar
    Rachel Collingbourne

    The tortuous convolutions which Casey’s questions expose on Vennells’ behalf must reflect in some way the desperate attempts of a deep-down guilty mind to avoid confronting what feel like unbearable truths. I think that, were she to begin to own her responsibilities, and bearing in mind she is a Christian, she believes she’d be condemned- not just by human laws , but by Divine judgement. So many people have suffered terribly, and continue to do so. So many have died. I have no sympathy for her, but I think I understand, a little, why in a real sense, she cannot envision allowing herself to own a working conscience in this matter, let alone live with one. So she continues wriggling on the hook. I find myself no longer hoping that she would, at last, begin to accept what we all see so clearly: her accountability. It’s not total – others hold accountability also. But she’s become the headline name. And the Law must take its course despite ( or because of) her increasingly woeful evasions.

  5. There is absolutely no need for legal knowledge or information from the GC for the business i.e. board to be aware that there was a risk that the prosecutions were based on evidence that was wrong. Legal knowledge is only required to prove WHY they were wrong. As soon as a case was unsuccessfully prosecuted it should have been apparent to the board that there was a risk that their legal team were making cases against SPMs on evidence or argument that was incorrect. It is the board’s duty to ask questions of the GC not just to passively receive information. They should have appreciated there was a risk, and this was a statistical risk not a legal risk, that the few unsuccessful cases should in fact apply to the majority and ask the legal team to investigate. That is why the board is culpable. The GC has a duty to inform the board precisely because the board bears responsibility whether it is informed or not. This is why DS states the board cannot abrogate its responsibility.

    1. Martin Mackain-Bremner avatar
      Martin Mackain-Bremner

      Hear, Hear

  6. William Waynflete avatar
    William Waynflete

    DameSD and DrKS: Hinge and Brackett…

    1. unhinged and bracket

      although the Famous Comedy Duo should not really be compared to these two! the whole thing was hilarious though – unfortunately

  7. As Donald Rumsfeld might say, it is a question of knowns and unknowns.

    Can PV be expected to know what was going on while she was CE, if she didn’t know what was not going on? In other words, if PV was not being told that the GC and other directors were not doing their jobs properly, how would she know?

    If, for example, PV had not read anything about the Post Office or any scandal arising from matters arising in relation to software called Horizon or that there might be a problem with it, or that a sub-postmaster might be having difficulties with it, then during the seven year period she was CE, she wouldn’t have had a clue.

    The problem with being a CE is that it might conceivably carry a risk. Not reading or seeing any news at all for seven years would, therefore, be a sensible course of action to take.

    Any news arising between 1999 and 2012 could be discarded as it was before PV’s tenure and therefore of no consequence to her period as CE.

    As all the sub-postmasters were told they were the only one, there would be no need for anyone to tell a CE, as a CE would have much bigger matters to deal with than one sub-postmaster nicking money.

    Oh, dear, have I just given PV her defence? My fee: a very reasonable £50million.

    1. You mske some good points . I am concerned that not only the Inquiry but this blog might be grist to the mill in any argument that no fair trial can now tske place .

  8. Mary in Southern California avatar
    Mary in Southern California

    Ah, Paula, you are “oft to blame in this…with pious action you do sugar o’er the devil himself.” Or some such paraphrase. So clear what she is trying to do. Blame avoidance.
    Note to Paula: re-think your choice of representation. Optics matter to juries. This guy is a real loser.
    Cheers to you in the UK. Such dark days coming for us here in the U.S.

    1. Martin Mackain-Bremner avatar
      Martin Mackain-Bremner

      Hamlet, for those wondering, like me!

    2. Note tk *You* – whatever one thinks of PV , you seem to have forgotten that we have a presumption of innocence and this is Not only for people we like. Read Woolmington v DPP [1935] UKHL 1
      [1935] AC 462
      (1936) 25 Cr App R 72 for a full account of this – https://www.bailii.org/cgi-bin/format.cgi?doc=/uk/cases/UKHL/1935/1.html&query=(title:(+Woolmington+))

  9. She doesn’t seem to be coming across as an appropriate candidate for a Bishop….as suggested by our ex -Archbishop, and the thought that she might have been able to sit in the House of Lords horrifies me. Should she believe in a God, I’m sure He /She would not approve of Ms Vennells interpretation of one of the Commandments….’ …”Thou should not bear false witness!”

  10. I picked up on this line of questioning live, as I was watching the evidence given by Dame Sandra and Dr Steward … blatantly clear to me that Vennells is in the process of constructing a defense that will attempt to single out and throw GC, Susan Crighton under the bus (as if Vennells hasn’t already treated Crighton quite badly enough when they were simultaneously in post at POL!). Despicable woman, it was clear from her evidence (which I also watched live across all days she was on the stand), she’s no more prepared now to take responsibility as the former CEO of POL than she was to appreciate and accept the buck stopped with her when she was in office as CEO!

    1. Martin Mackain-Bremner avatar
      Martin Mackain-Bremner

      Quite…and how convenient that GC cannot be compelled to give evidence beyond her written statement. And yet, PV was the one in charge, if you can cal it that! The buck has to stop somewhere, assumptions or no assumptions 🧐

      1. Susan Creighton did give evidence, covering her period as GC and in my humble opinion gave a good account of just how disgracefully she had ultimately been treated in post by Vennells. I presume your reference to GC not being called was in relation to McCloud who refused to give oral evidence, even despite the Inquiry making attempts to facilitate her doing so from either Australia or New Zealand where she seems to be ‘hiding out’!?

  11. Venell’s best, and only, defence will be that she was unaware of what was going on in respect of the POL prosecutions. Her undoing will be the similar, reasonable assumptions, made by her counsel about others who reported to her and the board, about her own responsibilities as CEO, the revelation and discussion of which should fall comfortably within the skill-set of any competent barrister. The incompetence of others is, as Dame Sandra pointed out and which is hinted at more broadly in the governance reports, no defence when proper performance management should have addressed such issues. Vennells is entitled to mount a defence in the event she faces charges, and her counsel will clearly be happy to help, but on the current showing she might want to reconsider her representation, her defence…or even her eventual plea.

  12. PV is continuing her defence which consists of throwing others under the bus. The trouble is that they’re all doing it, as we saw in the Inquiry.

    And two things can be true at the same time. It’s not either/or, it’s both/and.

    Did Macleod, Williams, Aujard, Singh et al. withhold or mislead? Yes. Were Vennells, v d Bogerd et al. insufficiently curious (at best)? Yes.

    Everyone blaming everyone else amounts to a circular firing squad.

    1. Interested Observer avatar
      Interested Observer

      It is pretty obvious that Singh was kept in post as The Fall Guy / Cut-Out.

      He is so incompetent that it was painful to listen to him.

      I keep returning to the question of *Who* approved his dual role working outside of PO as a conveyancing solicitor…

  13. Surely there is also a responsibility on any Chief Executive to ensure the people advising her are competent enough and honest enough.
    It’s not enough to say not my fault.

  14. My eyes glazed over reading that!

    1. a master class of word salad

  15. It appears that Paula Vennells may potentially be preparing a criminal case defence claiming that individuals and corporate teams reporting to her were not performing competently and / or reliably communicating their output. However, it will be difficult to counter the case that she was incapable of understanding what she was being told and / or was choosing to ignore it.

  16. This is very clearly laying the groundwork to ensure blame shifts away from (not my fault, I didn’t know, I don’t recall) PV, and on to absolutely anyone but her, in particular trying very hard to position legal counsel into the firing line. If PV doesn’t face criminal charges or does face them and gets away with it, I hope she can live with her conscience, like all the others, it is her fault, she did know, and she does recall.

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