Good morning, emaileurs prive.
It seems that in spite of a High Court ruling which had a few things to say about the Subpostmaster contract, the Post Office’s way of doing business and the NFSP, the Post Office last month decided to land a new contract on a subset of Postmasters without any obvious consultation or negotiation, except with the NFSP. And, amazingly, some people are not happy about it.
The story is here. I nearly called it “Trouble in SPDO country”, but I didn’t because most people don’t know what an SPDO is. I do, of course. Now.
I am grateful to those who got in touch with the information. It’s nice to have an exclusive.
Pete Murray
If you haven’t read it already please do take a look at The Pete Murray Trilogy. Not a 70s prog-rock band, but a real life Subpostmaster with awful Horizon-related problems. Thanks to those who have already read the piece (I plugged it in yesterday’s email) and thanks to those who felt moved to send me notes to pass on to Pete. Part 4 of the trilogy will be coming soon. Pete’s situation is deadly serious, but hopefully he now has some good people helping fight his corner.
Just been to see Rocketman. Not as good as Bohemian Rhapsody. There, I said it.
Back soon.