Ah – there you are…
There have been a few things of interest published today.
1) The first is an extraordinary piece of journalism published today by Tony Collins entitled: “Would you feel safer in a plane or running a village Post Office?“
For anyone wishing to understand the problem the Post Office has with Horizon (on a long read level), this is a superb primer.2) Yesterday we had the BEIS select committee inquiry into the Post Office network (starring the PO CEO, the CWU and the NFSP) which the Daily Mail wrote up here.
The transcript isn’t up yet, but you can watch it here.
3) The Daily Mail has also launched a campaign to Save our Post Offices. I suspect the Bates v Post Office litigation will start to get even more of an airing in the DM’s pages as a result of this campaign.
4) It is the costs hearing tomorrow for the first (Common Issues) trial in the Bates v Post Office litigation. Costs have been awarded against the Post Office, but this is the first time we’ll get a total.
The Post Office will also seek permission to appeal the Common Issues judgment on the same day. See my piece on how that could play out here. If successful they might not have to hand the cash over until the appeal has been heard, which may reverse some of the judgment and therefore reduce their cost liabilities.
I’m not going to be there tomorrow, but I should have the transcript in my hands by 7pm. I’ll post that to www.postofficetrial.com and hopefully get a moment to write a report on what was said the same evening.