It’s a bit late in the day, but if you have an opportunity to go and buy a copy of today’s Daily Mail please do so.
It features a one page feature AND a leader article about the money the Post Office has spent on the Bates v Post Office litigation.
If you don’t have access to a paper copy of the DM, click here for the online version of the story.
This litigation is starting to get traction and that is in no small measure due to the work of some brilliant journalists and some brilliant individuals who are approaching journalists, spending the time to set up relationships with them and then working with them to do something about this story.
The more people who do this, the wider coverage this story will get.
As a result of today’s Daily Mail article Matthew Wright invited me back on his Talk Radio show this afternoon and we discussed where we are with the case. He is following this story closely and he has a platform. Why not let him know you appreciate his interest by telling him about what this story means to you on twitter?
Sadly Sam Greenhill, the journalist who wrote the Daily Mail article isn’t on twitter. But if you want to me to pass on a message to him I’d be more than happy to do so.
Keep forwarding the information in this email to any journalists you know (or don’t know). It helps. It’s hard to get any story to fly, but this will be big news one day. Until then – be nice. People (especially journalists, sensitive souls that they are) tend to respond to kind words.
The Pete Murray Quadrilogy
The fourth part of Pete Murray’s story went up yesterday. If you haven’t read it yet, I would recommend it. I can say that because he wrote it himself. It’s frankly horrendous how his business has been killed. Next time anyone says this story is about historical cases, send them this link. It’s not.
Next week
I’m dipping into the crowdfunding pot all next week to report on the resumption of the Horizon trial on Tuesday to Friday. I genuinely have no idea what to expect. All I can tell you is that Jason Coyne, the claimants’ IT expert is going to spend four days being cross-examined by Tony de Garr-Robinson QC, by which stage we will have some idea of the strength of the claimants’ contention that Horizon is “relatively robust” rather than “robust”.
On Monday I’m going to a tribunal in which the CWU is trying to have Subpostmasters recognised as “workers” rather than agents. This designation carries with it a significant amount of legal weight and rights (including the minimum wage), so there’s a lot riding on it. Expect the Post Office try to fight it into the dirt. I’ll be intrigued to see how much the CWU relies on the findings in the 15 March judgment in Bates v Post Office to back up its case and will of course report everything back to you.
He’s going to say thank you again
Finally, thank you so much for your continued generosity. I am in a rare and privileged position to report these fascinating court machinations, their implications and reverberations. It’s a funny way to earn a living. But I love it, and I am grateful.
Have a top weekend.