I hope you are keeping well. I had a frankly horrible week last week working 12 – 14 hour days trying to do several complicated things. As you may know from reading my tweets, the inspirational teacher of my son’s primary school was defenestrated by his employers last year on the back of what look like pretty flimsy trumped-up charges.
His case has now been referred to the Teacher Regulation Agency as his employer seeks to get him struck off the teacher register. From all the available evidence, the poor man is the victim of a witch-hunt, by some pretty vicious people. The parallels with the Post Office story are striking – it’s all about unaccountable power, my friends.
If you are interested in reading further, please do me the honour of looking at my other blog “What’s Up At Ashley School?“, and the latest post Mr Dunne Needs Your Help, I would be most grateful.
Thats not why we’re reading this
I know, I know! You want Post Office juice. Well my friends, I have written you not one, but two, full fat blog posts for www.postofficetrial.com.
The first details the hoo-ha over the final settlement payments from the group litigation and the second concatenates the announcement of the Historical Shortfall Scheme, the CCRC Statement of Reasons update, and the arrival of a new player on the scene, Hudgells solicitors.
Since I first wrote about Hudgells they seem to have struck a deal with Freeths and the JFSA to potentially help out those whose cases are with the CCRC and those Subpostmasters who are outside the claimant group. For news on Alan Bates intention to help those within the claimaint group, click here.
POID tapes
Having heard a harrowing interview with a Subpostmaster begging for their job, I am wondering how many more Post Office investigation tapes there are out there. If you know where yours is and would consider having the contents broadcast as part of the series I am currently making for the BBC, please get in touch.
Thanks also to the many people who have been prepared to give up their time to talk to me (and producer Bob!) about the Post Office story for the upcoming BBC Radio 4 series.
Many of those people I have spoken to are secret emailers. Some have shared their story many times before. For others, it is the first time. Either way I am deeply grateful to you for speaking with me. Without anyone prepared to go public in this way, there would be no story. I know Bob has been working on scripts all weekend (or at least, that’s what he tells me he’s been doing), so I am looking forward to seeing where we are in our first production meeting of the week, which is scheduled to start in about 10 minutes time.
Finally – thanks to all new and recent subscribers. Your generosity continues to bowl me over every single time. I hope to repay your faith with some decent journalism and insight as this fascinating story develops.
Have a good week and stay safe.