Secret email about the Post Office Scandal. Shh!

Secret email urgent request: thanks

Morning secret emailers.

Thanks very much to everyone who responded to my request wrt to being prepared to be interviewed. I am sorry I haven’t had a chance to personally acknowledge everyone who applied.

I have passed on a list to my colleagues in broadcast media who are getting interested in this trial ahead of the first judgment. Because so many people responded it is very possible you will not be contacted. Nonetheless I am very grateful to you, and if it’s okay I will keep hold of your contact details for future reference. It may be that you live/had your post office in an area that would be helpful to a colleague who wants to do something in your specific region.

Speaking of regions – I don’t seem to have the contact details of a single claimant who had a Post Office in London who is willing to be interviewed. This is a huge shame given I know someone very interested in the Post Office story who works for BBC London, and I have been sitting next to ITV London colleagues for most of the past two months and they regularly ask after the trial. Both broadcast organisations, I am sure, would do a lot on the Post Office Trial if any one of the 500+ claimants in this GLO who fitted the criteria, came forward.

Naushad Abdulla – former Charlton Subpostmaster and one of the lead claimants who gave evidence at the trial – doesn’t seem to want to be interviewed (if that’s wrong Naushad and you are reading this – please get in touch). I am also in regular contact with a former Subpostmaster from South London who just doesn’t feel ready to go public, but as yet, London is a rather ridiculous gap in my contacts and I really need someone to get in touch, ready and willing to tell their story. My thanks to JD who now lives in London, who has said he is up for interview, but who had his Post Office elsewhere.

Judgment Day update

So when is this judgment coming? I think we can now rule out next week, and from what I am hearing it won’t be early w/c 21st. It could be around 25 Jan, but I think w/c 28 Jan is now the best bet. The judge did say he wanted the judgment out before the case management conference on 31 Jan so that both parties had a good chance to look at it, but whether a “good chance” is a week or 48 hours, I don’t know.

I am still sitting on a bunch of documents from the previous trial which I have not yet had time to properly look at or write-up, which I will try to get out before the judgment. I also have the “perfected” transcripts for the first 11 days of the trial which I will post up for the record asap.

Have a lovely weekend.


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