Help request – investigations interviews

Hello secret emailers
This particular missive is only going to be of interest to certain respondents, so if you weren’t ever a Postmaster or Post Office employee, you can stop reading here and enjoy the rest of your Easter weekend. I am after some information for a series I’m working on.
I am trying to gather evidence from people who have been subjected to interviews by the Post Office investigations unit. I have heard many times they can be intimidatory affairs. If you’ve actually been through one (and might be prepared to talk to me about it), I’d love to hear from you. Please get in touch, either by replying to this email or (if you have been forwarded this message), by emailing
I have been told some real horror stories and it’s about time I built up a more precise picture of what people have been through.
Any assistance would be gratefully received. You may get a few of these sorts of help request emails over the next month or so, but I will try not to abuse the system. I’m meant to be giving you information, not the other way round!
Have a lovely Easter – if that is remotely possible in the current circs. My son wants to start his own youtube channel. It’s going to be a loooong four days!