Morning all.
Three key things to draw your attention to this morning.
1) I have posted up a quick fisk of the pertinent reactions to yesterday’s court proceedings. Sam Greenhill’s brilliant piece in the Daily Mail is linked to, as is Jane Croft’s in the FT – both are well worth a read. As are some explosive tweets from the Managing Director of Second Sight, Ron Warmington. All gathered together here for your easy reading pleasure.
2) I made a howling error in my write up email to you last night – attributing the position of the Post Office IT expert to that of the JFSA IT expert. Sorry – it was a combination of getting the transcripts very late last night and tiredness. Please don’t forward that email to anyone – rather send them to the blog post it relates to, which I have corrected and improved:
3) After several comments in court yesterday by Patrick Green, QC for the claimants, which suggested the Post Office had deliberately withheld information from the claimants, the judge interjected to ask who had signed off the Post Office’s generic defence.
Just at that moment, Sam Greenhill from the Daily Mail asked me a whispered question and I missed the answer. I said in my live tweets I would find out what the name was when I got the transcript.
The transcript records the answer was Jane MacLeod, the Post Office’s general counsel. I wonder if Mr Justice Fraser might want a word with her later in the trial.
Okay I’m taking the kids to school and then I’m back up to the Rolls Building for Day 2 of this trial. Please do keep your Post Office logo photos coming – I’m going to need lots in this trial. If you do send in a logo you have to be happy for me to use them for free online and in perpetuity without credit, if that’s okay. You can have my gratitude for livening up what would otherwise be a very word-heavy website!
Btw thanks to everyone who has been forwarding these emails. I’ve been getting donations from people who have never donated before and that means a lot. Thanks also to those who have repeat-donated despite my protestations. I am humbled and grateful.
I am also very grateful for all the correspondence I am receiving from you (just hit reply to this email if you want to). I must apologise if I can’t respond to every single message. I do read them all and your inidividual perspectives on this case are fascinating.
Have a great day – and do read the blog post I put up in point 1 above!
Please feel free to forward this email. The more people who read it, the more people find out about what is the biggest trial going through the UK courts right now.