Secret email about the Post Office Scandal. Shh!

Post Office vs Pete Murray pt 2

Last Friday I posted up a harrowing story, told by Pete Murray, postmaster of Grove Road in Wallasey and Hope Farm Road in Great Sutton.

It got immediately overshadowed by the Court of Appeal recusal application decision. This is a shame.

I have just posted up part 2 of Pete’s story. It takes the form of an extraordinary letter Pete wrote out of desperation on 29 January this year.

Read them both here:

Part 1 “The Post Office claim I owe them £35,000, despite never showing or telling me what I have done wrong.”

Part 2 “What kind of game are you playing with human beings’ lives?”

There is more to come which explains where Pete is now, but I urge you to read what has already been published whilst I hassle him to send in his next instalment. Write faster, Pete!

Other things

– Good to see that Theresa May’s **** or bust attempt to make Brexit happen is scheduled for the week commencing 3 June – the same week as the resumption of the Horizon trial, so don’t expect to see the resumption Bates v Post Office anywhere near a TV camera.

– I am not going to get a chance to get any of the stories about the mental health consequences of being suspended/prosecuted/jailed published before the end of mental health awareness week. I am however, deeply indebted to Tracy, Nicki and Wendy for the time they have already given me to start getting this mini-project in order. By the end of the day yesterday I was quite shaken by hearing about the various ordeals these claimants were put through. I apologise for what is likely to be a delay in getting them out. No reason other than workload and a desire to do it properly.

– I am hearing a lot about changes to the SPDO contract and the way it has been done, ie without any consultation amongst those affected. If anyone wants to send me any documentation about these changes (and also if you can tell me how many SPDOs there are), please hit reply. I’m grateful to those who have been in touch already.



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