Secret email about the Post Office Scandal. Shh!

Post Office vs Mental Health

Apologies for getting in touch so soon after the last secret email, but something happened on twitter over the last 24 hours which I think is worth bringing to your attention.

The Post Office put out a couple of worthy tweets about mental health which would all be very commendable, but for their alleged track record in this area.

The anger those tweets provoked has prompted me to:

a) write a blog post (read it here)

b) think about doing some more research into the area.

So at the risk of repeating the blog post I have just put up, if you are a former/existing Subpostmaster and/or assistant, I would be very grateful if you would be willing to share your stories of mental health problems that you think may have been brought on by the Post Office’s treatment of you or your loved ones. What happened to you? What happened to them? etc etc

The idea is to build up a body of testimony, similar to the wider testimony I have been collecting for the blog, but focused on mental health.

If you are willing to open up about this very difficult subject I would love to hear from you. I appreciate how doing so can sometimes cause the agonies to come back so I promise I will deal with you and your situation as sensitively as possible. Please do remember though I am asking for this information with a view to eventually publish it (only ever with your express permission), but it can be done anonymously if that makes you more comfortable.

Any initial correspondences will remain completely confidential!

Common Issues judgment appeal

If you missed my last blog post about the Post Office’s reaction to the refusal to let it appeal the recusal decision and their plans for appealing the Common Issues judgment you can read it here.

And thank you, again, for the very generous sums of money which appeared in the tip jar this morning – ALL from repeat donors. I am very very grateful to you, but if you have already donated at any time over the last 9 months you really don’t need to be doing so again until the fundraising flag goes up later this year (and only then if you absolutely want to and absolutely can afford to).

I am obviously humbled by everyone who has donated anything to this keeping this website and secret email going, but the tip jar is mainly for people who stumble across the story and blog for the first time and who may want to make a contribution. To those of you who have been kind enough to do that – I am delighted to have you on board.

The rude-ish health of the tip jar right now gives me the confidence to believe that with judicious spending (and another fundraising drive twelve months after the last) I can see this story through. Even if it does end up in the Supreme Court, which I suspect it will.

Best regards


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