New guest post

Hello secret emailers!
Just a quick one to let you know I’ve put up a guest post by Tim McCormack, a former Postmaster with strong views on the Post Office. You can read his thoughts here. I have a couple more which I’ll try to get up over the course of this week. Any submissions you might have are more than welcome. Just hit reply to this email and it’ll come straight to me.
Also I’ve started tidying up the blog itself. It actually formats properly for your mobile device. Weeks of wondering why it didn’t and then I noticed I hadn’t checked a box on the blogger platform.
I’ve updated the text and made the header picture smaller so you can read above the fold. Not very interesting all this is it. Still I thought I’d tell you.
Also after someone pointed out there is no obvious way of donating a sum more than £20 but less than £100, I have changed the paypal tip jar to offer you a range of alternatives.
When I have got a couple more guest posts up I am going to calculate and publish my accounts. I’ve basically paid myself £250 a day for every day I’ve worked wholly on this story and the only expenses I intend to claim are the travel up to London and the data bill on my phone, which somewhat caught me by surprise!
That will leave plenty of cash left over to cover the judgment, the case management conference on the 31 Jan and most of the Horizon trial in March.
Right – back to the day job. Thanks again for all the correspondence. It’s eye-opening, supportive and really helpful in helping me towards my goal of making the website a resource for anyone coming to this story cold.
I realise I have a lot more admin to do to make the blog more user-friendly (especially for first time visitors), but I will try to do that over the Christmas period. Thanks for sticking with this and thanks again for your support.
Kind regards