
Welcome to the Post Office Secret trial email. This is just to let you know I have manually subscribed you to this because I think you indicated you wanted it.
This email will contain information I don’t want to publish on my blog, but which I think you will find interesting. And possibly entertaining.
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The photograph above is one I took earlier this week of the Rolls Building off Fetter Lane in Central London earlier today (I was working nearby!)
It is a sort of annex of the High Court and will be where the first Bates v Post Office trial is taking place. I had a coffee with the one of the agency reporters at the High Court the other day. When I told him this was where the trial was taking place, his face fell.
It’s apparently not a wonderful building for reporters. He told me most courts in the Rolls Building don’t even have benches reserved for journalists. And the acoustics aren’t that great either.
We don’t even know which court room this trial will get at the moment. It might be one of the better ones. Let’s hope so.
Anyway. Welcome to the secret emails – please reply if you have any comments. Even if time pressures mean I can’t respond, I promise I do read everything I get sent.