Secret email about the Post Office Scandal. Shh!

Pete Murray pt 4: “You’d better get yourself a lawyer.”

Morning all

When we last met him, Pete Murray was suspended for a £35,000 discrepancy, losing money hand over fist and getting no communication from the Post Office as to what was happening.

In the latest instalment, written this month, there is progress of sorts. Pete is back at work, but it appears having both his Post Offices shut for four months over the Christmas period has killed his business. Read part 4 of Pete’s story here.It is deeply depressing.

SPDO blues

If you missed it yesterday, do take a look at my story about what the contract “variation” happening in SPDO country. Unlike the NFSP (which rubber-stamped the Post Office’s decision), the CWU tweeted yesterday that it is organising to challenge the Post Office on these changes.

Trials and tribulations

I’ve been working pretty hard on getting as much information into the public domain as I can about what is going on in Post Office land. I realise I’m sitting on a lot more. Over the next few days I’ll publish as many court documents as I can (many are just for the record). I’ll also publish a new set of accounts. Up until recently the only thing I charged to the crowdfund pot was my time. Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on which way you look at it, the Secret Email Army has grown to such a degree I am now paying a monthly fee to send out these emails.

I have also discovered an audio/video transcription service for recorded which I thought would speed up my ability to get individual stories into the public domain. I’ve spent a few quid on that, but it hasn’t made borne too much fruit as I still have to write everything up around the interviews, fact and sense-check them etc before they can be published, and then go back to the people I have spoken to for clarification on various things.

That said, I hope to complete my second Post Office vs Mental Health interview on Monday and get that out before the trial restarts.

Then on Tuesday I’ll be back in harness for the long-awaited, much-delayed re-start of the Horizon trial. Who knows what fresh scandals await?

Have a good day.


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