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Horizon trial secret email 16 March – The Post Office witnesses
Nick Wallis
Hello all I’m doing a close reading of the judgment and posting up choice chunks on the I would urge you to have a look at Part 3 of this series, which is about the Post Office witnesses, particularly Angela van den Bogerd, a Post Office director. The judge has ruled that he will…
Horizon trial secret email 15 March – He did it
Nick Wallis
He really did. That was quite something to witness. Tears in the courtroom, broad smiles outside. Happy claimants, happy lawyers and several television cameras out there to record it for posterity. I am contracted to ITV News for today which will save you some money, but may slow down my progress in getting information out…
Horizon trial secret email 15 March – Judgment hour
Nick Wallis
Morning! I’ll keep this brief as I need to be in court shortly. The judgment of the Common Issues trial will be handed down by the judge in Court 26 at noon. My 12.30pm live on ITV News will has been cancelled due to the sad events in New Zealand. However I suspect, depending on…
Horizon trial day 4 – a day of two halves
Nick Wallis
Hello friends Tomorrow’s going to be interesting isn’t it? The 180,000 word judgment is handed down tomorrow at noon. At 12.30pm I am going to be doing a live report for ITV News outside the Rolls Building on its contents. I’ve packed my highlighter. Here are the links to all of today’s goodies: Day 4…
Urgent filming request
Nick Wallis
Do you have a Post Office? or access to one? Would you be able to let a broadcast news organisation come to your Post Office and film your Horizon terminal and possibly your Post Office? If so, please reply to this email with your mobile phone number and I’ll forward it to the people involved.…
Horizon trial secret email 14 March
Nick Wallis
Horizon trial day 3 preview Hey hey secret emailers Despite my runny nose I woke up in a good mood this morning. There’s lots of work to be done, but we’re heading towards the end of the week and a first trial judgment, unless the Post Office manage to stick a spanner in the works,…
Horizon trial day 3 – Patny, Burke and Roll
Nick Wallis
Patny, Burke and (above) Richard Roll Hello secret emailers Before I start letting you delve into the links, let’s first drop the big news. The Common Issues trial judgment is due at noon on Friday. The judge said today he was on track to deliver it and then casually mentioned it is 180,000 words long.…
Horizon trial secret email 13 March
Nick Wallis
Horizon trial day 3 preview Good morning all After yesterday’s car crash my hopes are not high. Anup Patny will continue to be cross-examined in the witness box, then it will be the turn of Anup Patny’s son, Aakash. Later today we can hear from our first female witness, which will make a change. We…
Horizon trial Day 2 report: Disappeared Into Magic Air
Nick Wallis
Hi there I am changing the way I do things for this trial with a view to getting information out to you more quickly. It’s essentially boring and administrative, so if you are looking for the skinny on what happened today, let me give you that first: Write up of today’s proceedings – Disappeared Into…
PoT secret email 12 March – Strong reactions [updated]
Nick Wallis
With thanks to secret emailer Gillian who pointed them out, I’ve fixed a couple of erroneous links in my last mailout. Apologies all round. I will improve my proofing before pressing send in future. I don’t want to be clogging up your inbox with guff. Three key things to draw your attention to this morning.…