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Anger in the House
Nick Wallis
Further questions in the Lords tonight So much for trying to take a few days off. This scandal has erupted. The Urgent Question moved in the Commons yesterday by the Labour whips unleashed quite an extraordinary action by MPs. They homed in with such precision on the hapless minister Paul Scully, by the end of…
The morning after the night before…
Nick Wallis
Lots more to do Morning all Thanks to everyone who watched last night’s Panorama. Hopefully it will have created greater public awareness of the story. If you haven’t seen it, please do give it a go on iPlayer. I am deeply touched by all the kind comments and I am, once more, very grateful to…
Tonight: Panorama – Scandal at the Post Office
Nick Wallis
BBC1 7.30pm tonight. Except Wales. Bore da I am not sure why Wales doesn’t get to see Panorama: Scandal at the Post Office tonight at 7.30pm on BBC1. It’s a tiny bit galling as Alan Bates, founder of the Justice for Subpostmasters’ Alliance, and key contributor to tonight’s programme, lives there. The first showing in…
Resend: Goodbye Radio 4, Hello Panorama
Nick Wallis
Friday email resend Morning secret emailers With apologies if you get this email twice – I sent the original before 9am this morning and it still hasn’t reached many people. So here goes again. We reach the conclusion to the ten-part Radio 4 series The Great Post Office Trial at 1.45pm today. Part 10 is…
Goodbye Radio 4, Hello Panorama
Nick Wallis
So now what? Morning secret emailers We reach the conclusion to the ten-part Radio 4 series The Great Post Office Trial at 1.45pm today. Part 10 is called “What the Hell Had Happened” and it brings us from December to this week. If you miss it going out live you can download or listen to…
Eight more referrals, Attorney General asked to get involved and Vennells questioned
Nick Wallis
It’s all going off part 753 Good morning all I’m not sure I can take much more of this. I foolishly thought I’d finish making the R4 series on Friday last, take this week off and then start looking for something to do at an indeterminate point next week. Then Panorama got rescheduled, the JFSA…
Episode 8: The Big Green Button
Nick Wallis
Tales from the 2015 Panorama and more… Hello there Episode 8 of the Great Post Office trial goes out today at 1.45pm on BBC Radio 4. It’s not an emotional roller-coaster but it does explain the period between 2015 and 2018 where it didn’t seem like much was happening. There was, in fact, lots happening,…
Subpostmasters take on the government!
Nick Wallis
JFSA goes for parliamentary ombudsman Morning all I knew Alan Bates was up to something! Before we get into today’s episode of the Great Post Office Trial, some news on the Justice for Subpostmasters Alliance’s next step – launching a crowdfunded complaint to the parliamentary ombudsman about the (lack of) actions of the government in…
Episode 6 today: War of Attrition
Nick Wallis
GPOT Week 2 beginneth Good morning secret emailers I hope you had a good weekend. The Great Post Office Trial (specifically Jo Hamilton’s pants) made it onto BBC Radio 4’s Pick of the Week last night. You can listen to it here. Today’s episode (broadcast after the World At One at 1.45pm) gets deep into…
Episode 5 today: Follow the Money
Nick Wallis
Here comes the weekender Hello secret emailers It’s been quite a week, and deeply gratifying that so many people appear to be tuning in to the Radio 4 series. Thank you very much if you have taken the time to do so, it really means a lot. Episode 5 of the Great Post Office Trial…