I have a guest blogger for you – a journalist who has his ear to the ground. His words will be familiar to every current Subpostmaster, so his opinion may well be of interest.

His name is Jack Courtez from Retail Newsagent and Retail Express and you can read what he has to say here. I think Jack and his team are doing great things. But if you don’t like what Jack has written or you would like to respond to it – or you think you have something more interesting to offer – simply reply to this email and we can talk about publishing what you want to write. The first steps are always private and in confidence.
By-the-by… I’ve just been re-reading Gary Brown’s story. It’s appalling. Trusting soul. Not 100% sure of his own abilities, but clearly a good, honest sort. Ruined, and not just financially. The entire sense of his own self worth, which he’d built up over decades – trashed. And his mental and physical health…
You worry sometimes if the state suddenly picked you at random and decided to destroy you, what chance you’d have.
Oh well. On to happier times, perhaps.
Have a great weekend.