I’ll keep this brief as I need to be in court shortly. The judgment of the Common Issues trial will be handed down by the judge in Court 26 at noon.
My 12.30pm live on ITV News will has been cancelled due to the sad events in New Zealand. However I suspect, depending on the strength of J Fraser’s findings, other news outlets will pick it up.
The judgment is 180,000 words long. I am going to spend the afternoon reading it and posting up my impressions as soon as I can. Once I get it electronically I will link to it or post it directly to the postofficetrial.com website via scrib’d.
I know a lot of people are hanging a lot of hope on this judgment. The judge can severely criticise the Post Office but choose not to find against them. Criticism might make good headlines, but it will not change the legal situation, much.
Finding that the Post Office has acted unlawfully is another matter. I have literally no idea which way this is going to go.
So in the meantime here’s yesterday’s tale of the tape plus a bonus post from this morning:
Horizon Trial: day 4 – They Could, And They Did Change Branch Transaction Data
Horizon software error caused million pound “loss”
Ian Henderson witness statement
Right, let’s pick this up later, shall we?
Have a good afternoon – and thanks for all the retweets, comments, photos, emails and donations. It’s a privilege to be able to do this.
Please feel free to forward this email. The more people who read it, the more people find out about what is the biggest trial going through the UK courts right now.