Hi there summer secret emailers.
I’ve been trapped in the West Country for the last three days, doing stories for 5 News. All that time alone in a hotel room has given me the opportunity to complete some of the tedious administrative tasks which before I ran a website I used to think happened by magic.
Chief among those tasks is a fully updated Horizon Trial Menu. The Horizon Trial Menu is a one-stop shop for every report, transcript, tweet and relevant piece of documentation related to the Horizon trial.
If you ever want or need to check something about the Horizon trial, check there first. If you want to entertain yourself by reading my short daily reports of proceedings, they’re all there, neatly indexed in chronological order. And if you want to re-read every single blow-by-blow live tweet, congratulations, you’re a psychopath.
You can find the Horizon trial menu here, and at the top of every webpage on www.postofficetrial.com
Please do have a click around in it, and if you spot any broken links or basic (or even complicated) mistakes, I would be most grateful if you could let me know.
Court of Appeal menu
Of course, having updated the Horizon trial menu, I realise there is a need to put together a Court of Appeal menu to document the Post Office’s (and possibly, in future, the claimants’) adventures in the Court of Appeal. This will come.
Don’t forget there is, of course, the Common Issues trial menu, too.
I have no idea whether these pages will become a resource for the ages or are just a complete waste of time, but they’re there now and there they shall stay.
Obviously as summer rolls through I will try to get new content up on the blog, but it will be sporadic. Thanks to those generous souls who have signed up to the secret emails in recent weeks, your faith in getting something for your money is touching and I aim to repay it inbetween dealing with three children who need ferrying around from activity to activity and then taking on holiday.
For those wondering exactly what is going on with this litigation right now, here is the latest road map, called The Long March to, er, March.
I hope you are having, in the words of Fraser J “a lovely summer”.