Reporting the class action against the Post Office at the High Court

The Horizon trial is the second trial in the Bates and others v Post Office group litigation at the High Court. It is being held between Mon 11 March and Thu 4 April 2019 at the Rolls Building in London. Mr Justice Fraser is presiding.
If you want to know what this whole litigation is about, please read the Claim particulars (filed on behalf of the 550+ claimants) and the Generic defence and counterclaim – filed on behalf of the Post Office. Although to be honest, that will only really make sense if you’re a lawyer. If you want something easier to read, written by me, have a look at the About section of this blog here.
If you want to find out more specifically about the first Common Issues trial (Nov/Dec 2018), please go to the Common Issues trial menu which is an easily navigable guide to everything that happened in the first trial.
Horizon trial documents
Pre-trial review and judgment (14 Feb 2019), in which the Post Office tries and fails to limit the evidence of Ian Henderson from Second Sight in some way.
Over the course of the Horizon trial I will post up transcripts, write-ups, extra pieces and collated live tweets of each day’s proceedings on this blog. Each of the above will be linked to from this menu as they go live.
The only thing that will not be posted up here is the daily secret email I send to contributors via email. If you would like to receive this too, please consider donating via the paypal button at the bottom of this post and on the right hand side of the desktop version of this webpage. Thanks.
Day 1 – Monday 11 March
Collated live tweets.
Supporting information:
Claimants’ written opening – Mr Patrick Green QC
Defendant’s written opening – Mr Anthony de Garr Robinson QC
Please feel free to share the link to this blog post. The more people who read it, the more people find out about what is the biggest trial (in terms of scale) going through the UK courts right now.
Please also consider a donation to keep this blog going by choosing an amount and clicking the button at the bottom of this post. You do not need a PayPal account to make a contribution. Contributors who donate £20 or more will be added to the secret email list. Secret emailers receive all the blog posts in a more stylish format and get extra secret emails which have a lot of gossip and colour about covering this group litigation.
If £20 seems a bit steep you can still sign up to receive every single blog post to your email account for free using the sign-up form on the right hand side of the webpage. I’d be most grateful if you could donate the price of a coffee or a pint if you can afford to. I periodically publish my income and expenditure from crowdfunding. The last post was here. Thanks for reading this far. Have fun looking round the blog!