Good evening. It is late, I am tired and the action starts again very soon after a short lie down for before breakfast.
So for that reason I will keep things brief. Here are your links!
Today’s write up – the £5000 question
Dawn Phillips witness statement
Paul Smith’s witness statement
Tracy Mathers’ witness statement
Angela van den Bogerd’s witness statement
Bonus material:
My piece on the Helen Rose report (Miscarriages of Justice)
The Minister for Postal Services writes to MPs
Part 1 of this morning’s tweets are here!
Part 2 of this morning’s tweets are here
Thanks so much for all your comments. I really do appreciate them all. I’m so sorry I can’t respond to every one.
Right. Bed.
Please feel free to forward this email. The more people who read it, the more people find out about what is the biggest trial going through the UK courts right now.