Okay – the blog post review of today’s events is up!
The (very readable) transcript is up!
The morning’s tweets are here!
The après midi tweetisaussons are here…
And I’m not going to spend the remaining part of my evening scanning in Angela van den Bogerd’s witness statement because they refuse to give me an electronic version. Grrrr.
Right I started work this morning at 8.20am standing outside court waiting for Angela van den Bogerd to turn up so I could get a photo of her. It’s now 9.46pm.
At least it’s nearly Friday.
I’ll be back in court for 10.30am tomorrow for more Angela Action.
By the way, it was great to see so many happy claimants in court today. People were still buzzing from the judgment. Mrs van den Bogerd seemed far less defensive than before – willing to accept things as definite errors where it was obviously incontrovertible.
She also couldn’t recall a lot of internal documents you’d expect her to know about. Now we would normally have to take her word on oath she genuinely had no idea about them or hadn’t seen them, but a judge has already found she has tried to mislead him in the past, so whether he will believe her assertions is, well, up to him, I guess.
Night night!
Please feel free to forward this email. The more people who read it, the more people find out about what is the biggest trial going through the UK courts right now.