Secret email about the Post Office Scandal. Shh!

Horizon trial Day 2 report: Disappeared Into Magic Air

Hi there

I am changing the way I do things for this trial with a view to getting information out to you more quickly.

It’s essentially boring and administrative, so if you are looking for the skinny on what happened today, let me give you that first:

Write up of today’s proceedings – Disappeared Into Magic Air


Live tweets morning session

Live tweets afternoon session

Adrees Latif witness statement

Jayesh Tank witness statements 1 and 2

Anup Patny witness statements

Bonus article about Day 1: “Robustness”

More bonus material – Daily Mail, FT and Computer Weekly pieces about day 1

Could I put on the record again my thanks to Anup for letting me take his photograph, despite his initial reluctance. It is a shame I couldn’t be more positive about what happened in court today. I realise going on the stand must be a terrifying experience and every day I spend in court is a day I am grateful I have never had to do it. I am full of admiration for everyone who has to deal with it.

What’s happening tomorrow?

Mr Patny will finish his evidence and then his son will follow him onto the stand.

When is this blimmin’ Common Issues trial judgment coming?

Tomorrow both parties will receive the embargoed judgment. The judge wants to hand it down (ie make it public) on Friday, but he is clearly braced for a strong reaction from one or both parties. If either makes credible representations to him on Thursday afternoon, he will delay the handing down of the judgment until next week.

I will be on standby for this judgment. If it arrives you will get it uploaded on within minutes. I will then read it and fisk it for you and post up my conclusions as soon as I am reasonably able. If it doesn’t arrive on Friday I will use the day as a research day for this story and post up what I can.

Boring admin stuff

In order to try to maintain a semblance of sanity (the writing and tweeting and uploading and formatting when court is sitting means 13 – 14 hour days) I am going to tweak the way I communicate with you.

Instead of sending you finished pieces via email, I will send you links to them, as above. Click on the links and they will take you through to and you can read the articles there. I am also going to let the live tweets look after themselves on threadreaderapp and twitter itself. Their value diminishes the moment I get the transcript so I’m not going to post them to

That’s it, basically. What it means is that instead of getting one secret email a day when court is sitting, you’ll get two – one in the morning and one in the evening with links to the write-ups, transcripts and anything else I think is interesting.

I hope you will barely notice the difference.

Right I’m now going to have a look at the correspondence you’ve been very kindly sending in throughout the day and reply to as much of it as I can.

Thanks, as ever, for your support.


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