Hello secret emailers
I’ve had a productive day reading and writing up the grounds of appeal and skeleton argument from the Post Office which has been lodged at the Court of Appeal. The Post Office are trying to appeal the judgment of the Common Issues trial.
Read my fisking of the documents here.
Read the source documents here.
I have also had a look at the crowdfunding kitty and my expenditure thereof. I managed to get my word processing application to create a graph (see above). It’s rather dull, but it’s better than just words. Also my graph does not have a title, which I think would have lost me marks in school.
Read my extensive drilling down into my own figures here.
I have nearly finished the twive-promised good-ish news story, which (if my correspondent gets back to me) will be posted up tomorrow, and, f you missed it, please afford yourself a quick look at the post I put up first thing this morning about the whole new world of potential pain which is post office branch sales targets.
Thanks as ever for the ongoing correspondence. Every blog post nowadays seems to generate the potential for at least one or two more from the emails that come back to me.
I wish I had the time and resources to do them all justice, but even if I can’t, I remain immensely grateful for the information you send me. It all gets read, triaged and if it needs to be dealt with I’ll find a way to deal with it.
I realise I do owe some assiduous secret emailers a reply on a number of areas, something I was hoping to do today, but haven’t quite had the time. I thought you’d prefer to see the “money on the screen”, as they say in TV land. I haven’t even been able to personally thank the new secret emails who have come this way in recent days. Thank you , new subscribers. You are very kind and most welcome. The secret army grows stronger. Or bigger, at least.
I’ll get cracking on all things Post Office again soon and if you are waiting on a reply, please accept my apologies. I’ll try to sort it out in my own time later this week.
Enjoy the blog posts!