Tales from the 2015 Panorama and more…

Hello there
Episode 8 of the Great Post Office trial goes out today at 1.45pm on BBC Radio 4. It’s not an emotional roller-coaster but it does explain the period between 2015 and 2018 where it didn’t seem like much was happening. There was, in fact, lots happening, and this episode describes it.
I don’t want to say too much about how today’s episode finishes, but it is connected to these secret emails. That’s all I want to say for now. Well that, and thank you. Hopefully I’m being cryptic enough.
It’s a really good listen (I heard it for the first time at 4.30am this morning) and I hope you like it. If you miss it, you can catch it after transmission (along with all the other episodes broadcast so far) here.
So what happened to the CCRC announcement?
Good question. I was expecting a call or email from the Criminal Cases Review Commission late yesterday afternoon. Or a message from someone who has received some information from the CCRC. Nothing. I hope we hear it today or it’s not going to get into Monday’s Panorama or the final episode of the Great Post Office Trial on Friday.
If you are in receipt of some new information from the Criminal Cases Review Commission, please do let me know. All communication is treated in the strictest confidence and handled securely.
If you missed my post on the Justice for Subpostmasters Alliance’s attempt to raise funds to make a complaint to the parliamentary ombudsman, you can read it here.
Shortly after I put it up, Karl Flinders from Computer Weekly posted his take on the JFSA’s latest move.
The crowdfunding target is £98,000. In a matter of days, the JFSA has raised £13,000 – which is enormously impressive. You can donate directly here if you don’t want to read all my blether about it first.
Thanks again to everyone for the correspondence and kind words about the BBC output. It took a lot of people working in unusual circumstances a long time to put together. It’s not perfect, I know that, but it appears to be having an effect, which is all you can ask for.
Until tomorrow,