Secret email about the Post Office Scandal. Shh!

Court daze

Morning! The air is slightly chilly but the sun is plenty hot, when its out. Strolling to court up from the Embankment and through middle temple this morning should feel very civilized.

There isn’t much to preview today as it will be more of the same: the claimants’ independent IT expert Jason Coyne being cross-examined on his two reports and joint statements by Mr de Garr Robinson for the Post Office.

I am hoping today won’t be as deathly yesterday but I think that might be a forlorn hope.


If you haven’t yet read my report on yesterday (day 14 of the Horizon trial) you can find it here: “It’s all relative”

Collated tweets are here, the transcript is here and Mr Coyne’s two reports can be found here.

If there isn’t much to preview tomorrow and Friday (which I suspect their won’t be as Mr Coyne is being questioned all week), I’ll spare you the morning secret emails, but I will continue to tweet, write post-match reports and get the transcripts and any relevant court documents up for you to read at the end of the day.

If you’ve never looked at twitter, don’t be put off by the fact it’s now called social media. It’s just a regularly updated webpage – I think they called it microblogging when it first came out. If you click here it’ll take you to my twitter feed. Using this you can follow today’s proceedings blow-by-blow. You don’t need a login or anything. Though if the hearing is anything like yesterday, I would suggest you give it a miss and wait for the end of play report.

Finally, thanks and welcome to the recent secret emailers who have joined by donation, and thanks to everyone for the correspondence over the last couple of days. It’s been fun to read. Just hit reply to this email if you want to have a chat or get something off your chest. I always try to find the time to respond.

Have a great day.


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