Sorry this is so late. I’ll be quick:
Report of today’s proceedings here.
Fun secret email fact: Jason Coyne, the claimants’ independent IT expert, kindly let me take his photo this lunchtime (see what he looks like here), so I walked him down from the courtroom to the street. He was under strict instructions from the judge not to speak to anyone about his evidence or the case, so we didn’t. We did, however, do small talk, during which I discovered he had lunch during his first day’s cross-examination at a nearby boozer called the Editor’s Tap. He recommends the cod and chips.
I’ll be back live tweeting here from 10.30am tomorrow, but as it’s just going to be more of the same I’m not sure there’s much need for a preview secret email.
I’ll try to get tomorrow’s report up a bit earlier, though.
Back soon!