Secret email about the Post Office Scandal. Shh!

Claimants consider mediation/Post Office exec bonuses sort-of slashed over litigation fails

Mediation/Bonus sort-of slashing

Two double-A side blog posts! Not quite as strong as Strawberry Fields and Penny Lane, but half-decent nonetheless.

Mediation Meditations

The first is about the claimant Subpostmasters considering mediation. The Post Office have been badgering the claimant Subpostmasters to go to mediation for a couple of months, at least. The claimants have been reluctant for a number of reasons, not least because of what happened last time. People are still scarred.

Also why is the Post Office seeking mediation? And why should the claimants trust an organisation which has shafted them at every single turn and continues to aggressively litigate and foot-drag its way through the courts? For them to turn around and say “Hey guys! No hard feelings! Let’s sit down and talk about how great we are for sitting down to talk to you!” might stick in the craw.

This could all be a little dance. If the judge wants the parties to consider mediation and the Post Office are keen, it could potentially be held against the claimants if they refuse. I suspect the parties will find themselves miles apart and not get much closer unless the Post Office starts acting contrite and waving some serious cash around. Which it has never shown any sign of doing yet.

Obviously the only thing that has changed is the first trial judgment. If the Post Office successfully appeals that, it will inform their mediation calculations.

It’s a cold, horrible business. Nonetheless, the claimants are in the process of agreeing the appointment of a Mediator who they’re off to meet for the first time in November.

It might all be over by Christmas!

That’s a joke.


Story number two is a trawl through the latest Post Office annual report. This year the litigation costs weigh heavy on its bottom line. In my piece I calculate that to date the Post Office has spent £28m on this litigation, and because of the bonus-slashing, I have also worked out the net personal cost to Paula Vennells is £800. Feel the burn, Paula.

That’s another joke.

Well – I hope you enjoy them. The pieces, not the jokes.

Till next time…


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