Morning secret emailers!
Hope you had a grand weekend. Mine was spent watching my daughter give a final year performance at her primary school as Mrs Banks in Mary Poppins, followed by a family bbq for my parents’ joint birthdays. I am feeling happy and fat.
I’ve cleared today down for all things Post Office. I intend to publish the good news story (well – good-ish) I mentioned in the last secret email, but I am going to prioritise the grounds for appeal and skeleton argument the Post Office have sent to the Court of Appeal with a view to reversing elements of the Common Issues trial judgment.
I am also hoping to have a look at the crowdfunding money so you know what I’ve spent, when I spent it and what’s left.
Branch sales targets
I have already managed to to post up something on the above (pictured) document. It was sent to me by a bemused Subpostmaster – here’s the full story.
Thanks to the secret emailers who read my last blog post and noticed there was something wrong with a quote from the Common Issues judgment. I had managed to shorten a clause by Fraser J and, in the process, reverse its meaning.
On realising my mistake (which took some patience on the part of my correspondents) I re-wrote the offending paragraph to allow me to use the full clause, and now I think it does make sense.
If you haven’t read it, it is about the Post Office happily admitting it can ignore the NFSP, despite the NFSP’s claims it negotiates on behalf of Subpostmasters with the Post Office. Do have a look if you haven’t already.
Back to work
Having told you I’m aiming to get a further three posts up by the end of today I had better get on with them. I’ll send another secret email with all the links in when I’m done.
Thanks and hello to the new secret emailers who have been donating and joining in a steady trickle since the trial has finished. There’s quite a backlog of stuff which I need to get into the public domain over summer which I’ll be doing in my own time. Hopefully there will be enough to keep you entertained and informed (I would hesitate to say anything on this blog has the capacity to educate, but you never know) until the result of the Horizon trial comes in during the autumn.
Enjoy the day. It’s apparently going to be rather a hot one.