Settlement secrets

Well here’s a turn up for the books. Peter Bell, a gentleman who has taken a keen interest in the Post Office scandal has scored a direct hit with his Freedom of Information request for the settlement agreement which ended the epic Bates v Post Office litigation.
The first I knew about it was yesterday, when the Post Office emailed it to me. I am grateful to them and particularly to Peter for having the gumption to make the request. One of Peter’s other Post Office-related projects is a map of the locations of the many Post Offices with documented Horizon problems and the courts where various Subpostmasters were prosecuted. Well worth a look.
I’ve posted up the agreement, my thoughts on it and a related spat between Freeths (the claimants’ solicitors) and Paul Marshall, a barrister who is representing some of former claimants who are now preparing to take further action against the Post Office.
Claimants’ thoughts
Whilst it’s been useful to hear from various legal people, I haven’t yet had time to gather the thoughts of any claimants. If you are a claimant and (once you have had a chance to read the settlement agreement), you want to tell me what you think about it, please just hit reply. Let me know if you want your thoughts to be published, and please help me by telling me which Post Office you were involved with, what happened to you, how much you lost and how much you got in the settlement.
I am now going outside to sit in the paddling pool in our back garden. There are rumours I might spend Sunday night in a boat on the English channel filming people who are looking for mirgrants trying to make it across from the continent, so I am officially bringing forward my weekend.
Enjoy the weather – and don’t forget your Factor 30.