Secret email about the Post Office Scandal. Shh!

Barrister facing contempt charges quits Subpostmaster appeal case

Marshall steps down

Anyone who thought the Court of Appeal process was going to be easy will have been brought up short by the events of the last four weeks.

Three of the appellants have lost two of their barristers, with the second, Paul Marshall, going today.

Mr Marshall leaves with the praise of his clients and instructing solicitors ringing in his ears. I am told he and his colleague Flora Page put in hundreds of hours into researching the case and the relevant law, most of it completely unpaid.

Read the latest here.

I suspect there is much, much more to this than has already been made public and I rather wonder what the next twist will be.

We may find out on Thursday. The next hearing at the Court of Appeal is fast approaching. The new team representing Seema Misra, Janet Skinner and Tracy Felstead will be exploring the idea that the Court of Appeal should very much consider the Post Office’s prosecution of their clients as an affront to the public conscience.

The Post Office will be trying to persuade the judges otherwise.

I’ll be there, live-tweeting proceedings from 10.30am.

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