Going through the Early Day Motions

Morning secret emailers
I realise my last two missives have been lengthy. I’m going to keep this one as short as possible for your and my sanity.
I have written up the two recent parliamentary debates with links to the video recording of it online and transcripts.
You can find my thoughts on the commons debate here (they largely match yesterday’s secret email) and you can read my thoughts on the much shorter Lords debate here.
Also this week Kevan Jones MP sponsored an early day motion demanding a judge-led inquiry into the scandal – it’s only been signed by a handful of MPs so far. If you want your MP to support it, why not write and ask them to?
Media News
Alongside the parliamentary activity it’s interesting to see the commentariat getting more interested in the scandal as this two-minute rant from Andrew Pierce shows. Amelia Gentleman (who broke the Windrush scandal) has tweeted to her followers about the Radio 4 series, as have David Aaronovitch and James O’Brien. Big hitters, all.
I’m told there’s a spread being planned in the FT magazine this weekend and I think the Daily Mail is looking to seriously ratchet up its coverage. There may well be a feature going in tomorrow’s Mail which names names and points fingers at those at the top. Speaking of which…
Paula Vennells
Paula Vennells ability to fail upwards continues to be questioned. Her sharp departure from the cabinet office was noted a couple of months back; now her position in the church and as the chair of a large NHS trust is under scrutiny.
Dr Minh Alexander has posted a comprehensive blog post this morning incorporating her complaint to the CQC over Paula Vennells appointment within the NHS.
On Sunday, Radio 4 breakfast examines the multiple complaints made against Ms Vennells, who not only preaches within the Bromham Benefice, but also advises the Church of England on ethical investments.
Ms Vennells has consistently refused to be interviewed by any journalist about her role in the scandal, and as viewers of Monday’s Panorama will have seen, continues to avoid questions.
I am deeply grateful to everyone who has made a donation in recent days. Welcome to the secret email list. I must alert you to a crowd justice campaign being run by the Justice For Subpostmasters Alliance, who are hoping to put together a complaint to the Parliamentary Ombudsman with a view to getting redress from the government.
The main complaint is that the JFSA had to go to the High Court to get justice because the government was being negligent in its oversight of the Post Office, and therefore the government should reimburse the JFSA’s legal costs which swallowed up so much of the settlement.
The JFSA now has just 19 days to raise just over £60,000. Given the rate at which donations have slowed it doesn’t look like they’re going to make it. If they don’t hit their total, no one’s pledges are taken from their accounts and the ombudsman complaint won’t happen.
If you have recently donated to support my journalism and actually think you would rather give your hard-earned cash to the Subpostmasters Alliance crowdfunding campaign instead, please just hit reply to this email with “REFUND PLEASE” in the title and I will arrange a refund. It’s really easy to do and I promise you I won’t take you off the secret email roster!
Have a lovely weekend.