A scandal you can see from space

As you will have heard if you were listening to the Today programme on BBC Radio 4 this morning, the Post Office is now looking at 900 prosecutions it has made since 1999 involving Horizon data. Unbelievable. I’ve done the number-crunching and full story for you here.
Thanks to everyone who has been in touch over the weekend, telling me about trails and saying how much they are looking forward to the The Great Post Office Trial. You can tune into Radio 4 live here (the series starts at 1.45pm today) and you can listen to all the episodes after they go out here.
I have to go as I still have to put to bed the last few episodes of the series and this new development changes things a bit.
Thanks again for all your support – secret emailers new and old. Be sure that without your commitment I wouldn’t have built up the body of work which got The Great Post Office Trial commissioned. You are astoundingly public-spirited and I am immensely grateful. I hope I have managed to do this story a tiny bit of justice – the team at Whistledown have worked their socks off to deliver in quite unusual circumstances and I’m proud to have worked with them.
Best regards