This is an archive of “secret email” newsletters sent out to subscribers. Only newsletters older than six months are available to read here. To get up-to-date current newsletter emails, please consider donating here.
Post Office scandal: the Patels’ story, plus live dates in Oxford, Lyme Regis and Lichfield this weekend
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Still standing after everything Hi everyone, I’m really sorry not to have sent a secret email in the last week. I am trying hard to get some pieces across the line for ITV News, whilst putting together the content for the theatre tour, which starts on Saturday in Lyme Regis. If you are anywhere near…
Post Office scandal: Select Committee report drops, Read’s £1m salary demands and Jo at the Brits!
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Good morning After toying with leaving, and then deciding to stick with my current newsletter editing software for the rest of the year I fell foul of one of its tiny but important quirks. It doesn’t autosave. Between 4.30am and 5.30am this morning I spent an hour crafting what would, I am sure, have been…
Post Office scandal: PO Board at war, Vennells’ Inquiry dates released and disgraced PO Director of Comms leaves
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Staunton: PO CEO is under investigation Hi Hope you’re doing okay. I spent most of the week chugging around the country in my ageing Peugeot 5008 (I call it the Atomic Potato), filming things for ITV News. I was able to catch most of Tuesday’s Business Select Committee evidence (watch it all here, read the…
Post Office scandal: The Big Announcement, Badenoch vs Staunton, Project Zebra and Anna’s story.
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Breaking Badenoch Hi A week is now becoming a very long time in this story. The last newsletter led on sacked Post Office chair Henry Staunton and his extraordinary interview with Oliver Shah in the Sunday Times. Staunton accused the government of asking him to slow down compensation payments, and said the Post Office had…
Post Office scandal: Former Chair blasts Post Office “toxic” culture, Hollinrake fights back, racist codes investigation reports…
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Staunton Spills Hi A huge scoop in the Sunday Times today for Oliver Shah, who secured an interview with the sacked Post Office chairman Henry Staunton. Staunton – if he’s telling the truth – confirms much of what we already know (but from a senior, insider’s position) and he reveals some shocking details. Not least…
Post Office scandal: Govt approved PO inquiry bonuses, “Public interest” cases granted compensation and…
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
… Another Conviction Quashed! Well, hello there Last week I was Jeremy Kyle, this week I’m Vanessa. My TalkTV adventures are getting ever stranger. More on that later. First: Another conviction quashed Jacqueline Falcon becomes (by my calculation) the 101st Subpostmaster or Post Office worker to have her conviction overturned. It happened today at the…
Post Office scandal: Disclosure, Capture, Compensation and a new investigation
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
plus: Where has all the money gone (again)? Hello! I said I didn’t think I’d be able to get another newsletter away this week, but I had a feeling things were going to stack up if I didn’t, so here goes: There was a parliamentary debate on the Post Office’s management culture on Thursday. I’ve…
Post Office scandal: Teju hits the front page, more compensation horrors and Moorhead on Manoeuvres
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
plus: Scottish Subpostmasters’ Suffering Hi I’ve spent chunks of today and the weekend wading through the closing statements by the various parties to Phase 4 the Inquiry. I’ll save my reflections for the next newsletter, but I did want to draw your attention to a couple of things right now, not least Part 3 in…
Post Office scandal: Altman, Aujard, Arbuthnot, Clarke, Davey, Grabiner, Lyons, Van den Bogerd and Vennells lined up for Phases 5 and 6
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
plus: CP closing statements put the boot in Hi The inquiry has today published its list of witnesses for Phases 5 and 6. Many of the people with serious questions to answer, including Brian Altman KC, Chris Aujard, Lord Grabiner, Jo Swinson, Alwen Lyons OBE, Alice Perkins, Angela van den Bogerd and Paula Vennells are…
Post Office scandal: Private Eye podcast, Inquiry phase final week, more on Capture and Tony Collins speaks!
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
plus: Chris goes to Parliament Good evening I know I said I wouldn’t write until Friday, but if I did, that email would end up being several yards long. So here is an unplanned midweek special. The photo above shows indefatigable campaigner Chris Head after a meeting with the Post Office All Party Parliamentary Group…