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Day 14 write-up: What the Post Office did next
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Reporting the class action against the Post Office at the High Court I was dreading today. I thought it was going to be like the first day of the JFSA QC’s closing argument (see Day 12 and the JFSA closing written submission) which was full of opaque exchanges about the meaning of certain sentences and words within…
Day 14 – live tweets
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Reporting the class action against the Post Office at the High Court Day 14 of the Post Office trial – 219 live tweets compiled below for your easy reading pleasure. You can also read them here on thread reader or read the originals here on twitter: Day 15 of Bates v Post Office about to…
Post Office Trial secret email update 5 Dec
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Late opening, all day closing Hiya secret emailers! A much better day yesterday as Patrick Green, QC for the claimants got off case law and went into elements of his closing submissions he thought were important to draw attention to the judge. Today is the turn of David Cavender, QC for the Post Office, to…
Day 13 write-up: What just happened?
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Reporting the class action against the Post Office at the High Court Something very weird happened today in court. I’ll set it up by saying the Mr Justice Fraser (Middle Temple) is either very good at appearing to be a very impressive human being, or he is one. He is encouraging to those who might…
Day 13 – live tweets
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Reporting the class action against the Post Office at the High Court Day 13 of the Post Office trial – live tweets. You can read them below. You can read them here on thread reader or read the originals here on twitter: Day 13 of the Bates v Post Office trial at court 26 of…
Day 12 – live tweets
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Reporting the class action against the Post Office at the High Court This a completely GASH copy and paste and attempted tidy-up of my Day 12 live tweets. Do NOT trust any of the figures, they have had numbers removed in the formatting. Do not attribute any quotes, even if they are in direct quotes…
Post Office Trial secret email update 4 Dec
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Back for more Not going to lie, secret emailers, the (civil) trial of the century went through a sticky patch yesterday. Afterwards the lawyers had broad grins on their faces as they challenged me to make something of the four and a half hours of legal argument I had just experienced The only things I…
Day 12 write-up: Don’t tell him, Pike!
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Reporting the class action against the Post Office at the High Court Day 12 was the first day of the closing submissions by the claimants and it was entirely taken up with reference to what the claimants QC Patrick Green referred to as “Authorities” – the case law which ultimately determines what room for manoeuvre…
Post Office Trial secret email update 3 Dec
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Back in the saddle Morning secret emailers. I missed being in court last week. It’s funny what you get used to. Today is Day 12 of what will be a 15 day trial. In terms of scale, I have it on good authority it is the largest civil trial happening in the UK right now.…
What is the CCRC doing?
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Reporting the class action against the Post Office at the High Court In 2015, the Criminal Cases Review Commission got interested in the number of Subpostmasters who had been given criminal convictions after being charged by the Post Office’s own prosecutors on the basis of computer evidence. We know they are looking at the convictions…