This is an archive of “secret email” newsletters sent out to subscribers. Only newsletters older than six months are available to read here. To get up-to-date current newsletter emails, please consider donating here.
Speaking cheese
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Hi all This is likely the first of two secret emails today. By this evening I hope to have published a few court docs, written a brief preview to the resumption of the Horizon trial (which restarts tomorrow) and written up Tracy’s story. Tracy was 19 years old when the Post Office accused her of…
The Daily Mail has a go
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
It’s a bit late in the day, but if you have an opportunity to go and buy a copy of today’s Daily Mail please do so. It features a one page feature AND a leader article about the money the Post Office has spent on the Bates v Post Office litigation. If you don’t have…
Pete Murray pt 4: “You’d better get yourself a lawyer.”
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Morning all When we last met him, Pete Murray was suspended for a £35,000 discrepancy, losing money hand over fist and getting no communication from the Post Office as to what was happening. In the latest instalment, written this month, there is progress of sorts. Pete is back at work, but it appears having both…
Trouble in SPDO country
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Good morning, emaileurs prive. It seems that in spite of a High Court ruling which had a few things to say about the Subpostmaster contract, the Post Office’s way of doing business and the NFSP, the Post Office last month decided to land a new contract on a subset of Postmasters without any obvious consultation…
The Pete Murray trilogy: pt 3
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Morning secret emailers I hope you are well and looking forward to a fine, if slightly chilly Bank Holiday. This weekend I have posted up part 3 of the Pete Murray trilogy. Pete is a Subpostmaster who was suspended in November last year after mysterious discrepancies appeared at his Hope Farm Road branch. I have…
Yesterday’s transcript with notes
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Heeeey secret emailers I have in my hands yesterday’s High Court hearing transcript, which is now up on the Post Office Trial website (with some guidance notes) for your reading pleasure. The write up of the hearing, linked to in the last secret email is here. Expect a piece in the Daily Mail tomorrow about…
Post Office’s losing streak continues
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Hi all! Here’s my write-up of what happened in court today. Basically: The Post Office lost their attempt to win permission to appeal the Common Issues judgment. They lost their attempt to have the Common Issues costs payment to the claimants reserved (held back) until the end of the litigation. They lost their attempt to…
Today’s Post Office reading list
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Ah – there you are… There have been a few things of interest published today. 1) The first is an extraordinary piece of journalism published today by Tony Collins entitled: “Would you feel safer in a plane or running a village Post Office?“ For anyone wishing to understand the problem the Post Office has with…
Select committee Post Office inquiry hearing
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Hello secret emailers Thanks to the magic of the internet I am sitting in my hotel room in Stuttgart watching a recording of this morning’s select committee inquiry into the Post Office network. And now you can too. You can find the video here on Post Office Trial or here on the website. Before…
Post Office vs Mental Health: Wendy’s story
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Hi As promised in this morning’s secret email, I said I would put up the first of the Post Office vs Mental Health pieces soon. Here is Wendy’s story. I am very grateful to Wendy for allowing me to ask her some difficult questions and for her gracious forbearance when I went back to her…