This is an archive of “secret email” newsletters sent out to subscribers. Only newsletters older than six months are available to read here. To get up-to-date current newsletter emails, please consider donating here.
Secret email: Court of Appeal – decision day
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Court of Appeal – decision day Hello secret emailers It’s hard to overstate how important today is to the Bates and others v Post Office litigation. At the Court of Appeal open hearing last Tuesday (12 November), Lord Justice Coulson indicated he would deliver his decision on the Post Office’s application to appeal the first…
The waiting game, part 2
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Good evening secret emailers. I hope you are enjoying your weekends. I’m just writing to let you know I have posted the transcript of the Costs Management Conference AND Tuesday’s hearing at the Court of Appeal on They both make fascinating reading if you have a head for navigating that sort of thing. If…
First hearing at the court of appeal
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Court of Appeal: match report It’s getting late so this is just a quick note that you can read my report from the first hearing at the Court of Appeal, as the Post Office seeks permission to appeal the first trial judgment. The live tweets I sent out during the trial can be found all…
Literally nothing to report
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Captain: [whispers] I don’t like it, Travers… Travers: Why, si…? Captain: Shh!! [[silence]] Captain: It’s quiet… too damn quiet… I have nothing to report. There is no Case Management Conference tomorrow. It has been cancelled. I expect the parties thought it was possible they might have the Horizon judgment by now. The fact they haven’t…
The Shaikh down
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Hey secret emailers First things first – thanks very much to all the new subscribers who have joined over the past few weeks. I am very grateful for your support. I appreciate it’s been pretty thin gruel in terms of the content I’ve beenposting recently, but I’ve been preserving the cash in the crowdfunding pot…
KELs bells
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Hi all I’ll get the transcript up when I can, but I’ve posted a report on what happened today in court. Definitely the most interesting thing is that plans for mediation are going full steam ahead. Read what happened here. The prospect of mediation may cause some disquiet amongst Subpostmasters, but according to both the…
Rare day in court starting shortly
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Back in court! July seems a long time ago, doesn’t it? Well here we all are in court 30 waiting for a costs hearing to begin. Karl Flinders from Computer Weekly is sitting on my right and Alan Bates is in front of me awaiting the judge. If you want to find out what happens…
From the archives – Judgment 2: Extremely Aggressive Litigation
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Morning secret Sunday emailers A year ago today I was putting the finishing touches to one of the most popular blog posts on postoffiicetrial.ccom It’s called “Judgment 2: Extremely Aggressive Litigation” and it details the second in what has so far been 5 judgments in the Bates and others v Post Office litigation. The Post…
Claimants consider mediation/Post Office exec bonuses sort-of slashed over litigation fails
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Mediation/Bonus sort-of slashing Two double-A side blog posts! Not quite as strong as Strawberry Fields and Penny Lane, but half-decent nonetheless. Mediation Meditations The first is about the claimant Subpostmasters considering mediation. The Post Office have been badgering the claimant Subpostmasters to go to mediation for a couple of months, at least. The claimants have…
Litigation update
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Hi all Just a quick note to say I have firmed up some of the info in my last update. I’ve published it on the blog here. It’s not that thrilling – basically nothing very much is likely to happen this month. In November, however, things might get interesting. Thanks very much to everyone who…