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Independent investigator castigates Post Office systems
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Ron Warmington speaks! Hello secret emailers. It’s been an exhausting few days and I’ve rather run out of steam so I will quickly point you in the direction of some work I have done since the judgment on Monday. Ron Warmington, managing director of Second Sight, the forensic accountants engaged by the Post Office to…
They did it.
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Hello secret emailers. I am really sorry this is so late. There has been a lot to do. I started work yesterday at 9am at Wogan House (home of BBC Radio 2) where I did a piece about the Post Office trial for BBC Sussex and Surrey on the Danny Pike show. Danny and I…
Ever felt sorry for a judge?
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Before I start on the imminent judgment: a producer for BBC Three Counties called Phil Catchpole has just got in touch. If you are a claimant in the Beds, Herts or Bucks area and would like to take part in a pre-recorded radio interview about the litigation settlement, please email or call/text 07979 967…
Or is it?
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
How far does £58m go? At 9am this morning the claimant Subpostmasters and the Post Office issued a joint statement announcing they had settled their differences. You can read it here. I spent the rest of the day on the phone (whilst also trying to report the conclusion of a murder trial at the Old…
It’s all over!
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Well this is a turn up for the books. At 9am this morning the claimants Subpostmasters and the Post Office issued a joint statement. You can read it here. I have lots of questions, as I suspect you do. I am going to go away and ask them and see what answers I can find…
Horizon judgment date announced (resend)
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Event Horizon: 16 December 2019 Hi all (resending so you might get this twice) The managing judge in the Bates and others v Post Office has indicated the Horizon Issues trial judgment will be handed down at 2pm on Monday 16 December at the High Court’s Rolls Building in London. The specific courtroom has yet…
Horizon judgment date announced
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Event Horizon: 16 December 2019 Hi all The managing judge in the Bates and others v Post Office has indicated the Horizon Issues trial judgment will be handed down at 2pm on Monday 16 December at the High Court’s Rolls Building in London. The specific courtroom has yet to be announced. If it is anything…
Media getting interested
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Well, hello secret emailers, I am sitting in my house looking out over the suburban idyll of Walton on Thames surrounded by scattered paperwork, bank statements and receipts. I am meant to be do something with all those things but, as the undisputed King of Procrastination, I have found something better to do, which is…
Like a “mid-Victorian factory-owner”
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
What a day for the claimants. The Court of Appeal has rejected the Post Office’s attempt to appeal the first (Common Issues) trial judgment. I have commented on Lord Coulson’s decision here – with quotes from some key players, including the one above. You can find the 10,000-word reasons behind Lord Coulson’s thinking here. There…
Newsflash: He’s Done It Again!
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Court of Appeal rejects Post Office application Well here’s a thing. Lord Justice Coulson has rejected the Post Office’s attempt to appeal the first (Common Issues) trial judgment. Sir Peter Fraser’s epic 180,000 word judgment, handed down on 15 March this year stands. In its entirety. I suspect this is barely beginning to sink in…