This is an archive of “secret email” newsletters sent out to subscribers. Only newsletters older than six months are available to read here. To get up-to-date current newsletter emails, please consider donating here.
File on 4 Post Office investigation gets 4 stars – listen to it here
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Four star investigation Hello there I hope you are avoiding the worst of storm Dennis. My recommendation is to stay indoors and watch telly. Or listen to the radio, particularly this piece of radio if you haven’t already. It is the BBC Radio 4 File on 4 investigation which went out on Tuesday at 8pm…
CCRC meeting date, File on 4 and “You’ve Got Jail”
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
CCRC, File on 4 and “You’ve Got Jail” Good morning secret emailers. Just a quick note to keep you up to speed with latest developments. The biggest news is that the Criminal Cases Review Commission has now fixed its commissioners’ meeting for 24 March. In a letter to applicants, dated 5 Feb, it warned: “Please…
Secret emailer asks question in House of Lords
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Lord Arbuthnot and the Private Eye podcast Hello again. I know I only wrote yesterday but I have a couple more things to tell you. First of all, secret emailer James (now Lord) Arbuthnot asked a very pertinent question in the House of Lords yesterday. I remembered he had done so about two minutes after…
Where do the criminalised Subpostmasters go from here?
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
CCRC, File on 4, Parliament, Legal Aid, Petition – it’s all go here… Hello secret emailers I’ve actually updated the blog with a bit of exclusive information – the Criminal Cases Review Commission are now dealing with 56 cases of former Subpostmasters or Post Office workers who are claiming they are victims of miscarriages of…
Legal advice
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Hey secret emailers! I had a very useful conversation with a lawyer the other day – well – in fact a couple of useful conversations. This is why: Over the last few weeks I have spoken to and received correspondence from a number of people I am simply not qualified to help. Some of them…
Tune in to BBC1 South NOW!!!
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Hello secret emailers Apologies for the lack of warning and if this email seems a little slapdash or breathless – I’m going to try to write, format and send it in eight minutes. Why? Well because I’d very much like you all to tune into BBC 1 South to watch a piece I made with…
Did you work for the Post Office or Fujitsu?
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Hello secret emailers It’s been an interesting couple of weeks. Normally journalists approach me looking for context or contact details for claimant Subpostmasters. At the moment everyone is trying to find someone from within the Post Office or Fujitsu who might now be willing to speak about their experience of working on Horizon, or dealing…
Happy New Year!
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Hello all I hope you had a relaxing festive period. Before we go any further, this email was mainly to let you know I’ve put up a piece on the judge’s comments in court on 16 Dec as I now have the transcript of what he said. My thanks to barrister Stephen Mason who approached…
Is Paula Vennells a Fit and Proper Person?
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Twas the night before Christmas… If I had any design skills I’d put some snow on the secret email logo, but I don’t. Apologies. I am feeling quite festive, though. Have you got your presents wrapped? There was so much going on this week I knew I would be writing to you again before everything…
NFSP crawls out from under its rock
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Hello secret emailers. I am sorry if some of you are having problems donating. Apparently the paypal button at the bottom of this newsletter just takes you to a generic paypal page. I’m going to re-install it and see what happens. If you could try if for me (you don’t have to donate anything, just…