This is an archive of “secret email” newsletters sent out to subscribers. Only newsletters older than six months are available to read here. To get up-to-date current newsletter emails, please consider donating here.
Williams Inquiry hearings to be delayed
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
When will anyone be held to account? Hello again Forgive me if this newsletter appears rushed, it is. But there’s quite a bit to point you towards, so I thought: better something than nothing. The Williams inquiry into the Post Office Horizon scandal has launched its new website, which I suspect we will all spend…
CCRC refers another six Subpostmaster cases back to the Crown Court
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
The UnProsecution Machine grinds on Morning all It’s always tricky to know when to call people, but I have learned that, as a rule, Postmasters tend to be very early risers. If you want to catch a Postmaster for a chat, they’ll often take a call between 8 – 9am when most will have nearly…
First £100K interim payments land as Post Office refuses payouts for others
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Fury from Subpostmasters left high and dry Hi everyone The Post Office has refused to make interim payments, as promised by the government, to several Subpostmasters who have had their convictions quashed. This is a developing story, but I expect once it reaches the ears of our elected representatives they’ll go ballistic. It seems as…
Post Office Horizon inquiry to consider “redress”
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
and worry rumours about interim payments Hi all Just a quick post to let you know that the Post Office Horizon IT inquiry has published its first provisional list of issues since being put on a statutory footing. The subject of “redress” is mentioned. This is important because the Justice for Subpostmasters Alliance has so…
£100k payment authorised
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
and Crozier’s dishonesty… Good morning from a so-far-not-very-sunny Devon I’m meant to be error-correcting the latest proof of TGPOS but there has been a recent flurry of activity amongst activists, campaigners and from the Post Office itself, so I thought I would send you a secret email update. Interim payments imminent The biggest news is…
Two people interviewed under caution
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Lates news round-up Hello! Apologies for being quiet recently, I’ve been dealing with notes from my publisher on the latest book draft (on pre-sale here). That has been completed and the pre-legalled accuracy checks are now being made, which will take several weeks. It means, however, that I am able to briefly surface for air…
Govt to pay Subpostmasters with quashed convictions up to £100,000
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Interim payment incoming Hello everyone – very welcome and overdue news that the Subpostmasters who have had their convictions quashed can apply for up to £100,000 each as an interim payment ahead of any final settlement. Many Subpostmasters and their representatives are rightly suspicious, but the government has insisted that any interim payment has no…
Twelve more convictions quashed
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Total quashed convictions now = 59 Good afternoon! It’s another red-letter day. Another dozen people have had their convictions quashed at the Court of Appeal. After the dramatics of March and April, this was a more businesslike affair, but no less important for the individuals involved. I got to finally meet Tim Brentnall, and introduce…
Ten more convictions quashed tomorrow?
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Next tranche of appellants reach court Hi there Tomorrow I will be squeezing into my suit and hacking my way up to London to spend the day in court. Thirty-one appellants are having their cases considered at the Court of Appeal. Ten of the Post Office prosecution appeals are unopposed. All but one of the…
Compensation claims reach £311m
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Worrying levels of incompetence Good afternoon! This is your irregular Post Office scandal update, better known as the “secret” email. Lots to tell you about: Sum-thing’s wrong The Post Office somehow managed to underestimate the value of claims to its Historical Shortfall Scheme by at least a factor of nine. This suggests no one involved…