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Post Office senior execs grilled in Parliament
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Notes from the field Hi everyone Apologies for the radio silence recently. I’ve been insanely busy trying to launch a book at the same time as deal with more interest in the Post Office story than I can remember since 2021. I’m currently sitting in a rather grand corridor in the House of Commons outside…
Post Office launches investigation into racist language on internal document
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Sam Harrison, former Nawton Postmaster Hi Sam Harrison was a Subpostmaster in Nawton, North Yorkshire. She was suspended and sacked in the early 2000s over a discrepancy at her tiny one-counter branch. Sam was one of the 555 claimants in Bates v Post Office. Sadly she died earlier this month after a three year battle…
Wendy Buffrey and Ron Warmington speak as Bates bears bad news
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Plus: Bonusgate fiasco report due Hi all I went to Chipping Campden in the Cotswolds earlier today and sat on a stage with Wendy Buffrey and Ron Warmington, both survivors of the Post Office scandal in very different ways. We spoke to an audience of engaged, and by the end of it, outraged citizens. When…
Round up of the week that was
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Plus: Horizon error log Good evening I feel a little embarrassed – it is lovely to have so many new secret emailers join up over the last week. Unfortunately the amount of Post Office-related content and output I have managed to put together over the last few days has been limited. As regular readers of…
Scandal phase 3: Urgent Question in parliament and TWO investigations announced
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Plus: Ismay on the stand Hello everyone Today, former Post Office exec Rod Ismay was on the stand giving evidence at the Inquiry. You can watch it here and read what I have to say about his evidence yesterday here in: Rod Ismay: the useful idiot The Independent has written up the same evidence as…
Business department demands apology from Post Office CEO
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
It’s all over Hi We are now in stage three of this scandal. The first was the period when the Post Office was prosecuting innocent people for crimes they didn’t commit. That was 2000 to 2013. Then we entered the cover-up phase when the Post Office knew it likely had criminalised innocent people but had…
Venal. Incompetent. Mendacious.
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
More false accounts Hi everyone The quickest of quick notes. I received an astounding email at 5.41pm yesterday afternoon, and quickly dashed off a quick tweet thread (in something of a blue funk, so please forgive the tone), which you can read here on one simple webpage. Basically the Post Office decided something stupid and…
Absence of evidence….
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Media activity and new blog post Hi everyone Another very quick note to alert you to a new blog post covering a specific section of former Fujitsu engineer Anne Chambers’ evidence to the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry. Read it here. Gareth Jenkins (the other known former Fujitsu engineer under criminal investigation) is now not…
Chewing over Yet Another Compensation Hearing – podcast out now
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Moorhead, Lacey and Nicholson hold forth Hi everyone I couldn’t attend the Post Office Horizon IT Compensation Hearing on Thursday but I have now had a chance to look through the YouTube video, read the transcript and chew everything over with one person who has done the same as me and two more people who…
Big compensation hearing tomorrow, get a job examining the scandal…
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
And Noel Thomas publishes a book! Hi everyone The Inquiry into the Post Office Horizon IT scandal is gearing up for another important stage. Over the next 22 days we’ll have another compensation hearing (tomorrow), followed by four days of evidence from the only two people we know to be under police investigation – Anne…