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Lord Arbuthnot declared Honorary Subpostmaster, new Post Office TV doc imminent and…
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Post Office: the musical is here. But first… Hi Lord and Lady Arbuthnot kindly invited me to their 40th wedding anniversary reception last night. I didn’t know what to expect, nor what to bring as a gift. Lord Arbuthnot is patron of the Horizon Scandal Fund, so I knocked an idea around with my fellow…
Final Inquiry Phase Timetable Published, Horizon Falls Over, Lawyers Get Rich and…
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Serving Subpostmaster asks about fraud Hi everyone I am supposed to be writing a pitch for my next book, but I a) thought you might appreciate a news round up and b) am a world-class procrastinator, so, killing two birds with one stone, here is all the Post Office news which is fit to print:…
Jason Beer immortalised in wool, El Shaikh writes again, Noel Thomas honoured and I Need Your Vote
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Hi everyone Hope you’re doing okay. I have just got back from a family holiday in Barcelona so my brain is a bit fuzzy and full of tapas, but I could not resist sending a newsletter given the wonderful pictures sent in by a web correspondent called Richard Banks. Yes the photo above is a…
Post Office Inquiry – End of Storey, Another compensation scheme announced for long-suffering Subpostmasters and Otley reminder
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Hi everyone I hope you’re surviving the heat. I know I’ve been doing a lot of moaning about the Inquiry recently, but the hearing room’s rather fierce aircon was welcome today. Former Post Office non-executive Susannah Storey was the last witness before summer break. She seemed bright, capable and was either blessed or cursed with…
Post Office Inquiry – McCausland: Asleep at the Neil
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Interesting chap was Mr McCausland. I got the impression that he missed a trick with former Post Office General counsel Susan Crichton. McCausland was clearly a fair but macho director who needed people to make their case well in a business bearpit (see his stuff about advising Paula Vennells that Crichton needed to “get over…
Post Office Inquiry: Clark-Cable, the Gentlemen Secretaries, have their say
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Good morning! Hope you are doing okay. Yesterday we had the joys of two former Business Secretaries giving evidence to the Inquiry. I have written up my thoughts in: Clark and Cable: Responsible for everything, accountable for nothing … which I hope you find readable. It features a response from Lord Arbuthnot to Cable’s complaint…
Post Office Inquiry: Margot James’ biggest regret and final Second Sight report published
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Aye Caramba It was a sparsely-attended inquiry yesterday. Jo Hamilton was there with the Hudgells team, as were Terry and Cindy Seeney, which was a lovely surprise. I met first Terry and Cindy on the Wimborne leg of the Inside Story tour earlier this year, but everything was a bit rushed and we didn’t really…
Post Office Scandal: Surviving the Post Office review, and a Baroness at the Inquiry
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Morning If you didn’t get a chance to watching Surviving the Post Office last night, you can read my review here: A Trip Down Misery Lane and/or watch it on iPlayer here. There is an accompanying podcast series, which features extended interviews with the interviewees in the TV documentary. Listen to it here. The Blue…
Post Office Inquiry: Swinson points the finger at Callard and Vennells
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Good morning! Two people gave evidence yesterday – former Post Office minister Jo Swinson and former CEO of Royal Mail Group, Dame Moya Greene. For reasons which will become clear I focused solely on what Swinson had to say and wrote it up here: Furious Swinson claimed Paula Vennells deceived her Having slept on it,…
Post Office Inquiry: McFadden and Davey
Nick Wallis
Secret Email
Good morning I managed to put up two blog posts yesterday – one on Pat “Magic” McFadden – former Post Office minister and current Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster and the second on Sir Ed Davey – former Post Office minister and current leader of the Liberal Democrats. McFadden gave evidence to the Post…