Secret email about the Post Office Scandal. Shh!

Post Office Trial secret email update 12 November

What do you think of it so far?

Hello emailers

If you are a journalist reading this, could I point you toward the piece I wrote this morning before court started. (Read it here) Two documents which, if we had seen them almost certainly would have changed the complexion of the Panorama I had a hand in producing in 2015. I have applied for those discussed in court today. They are as revealing. There’s a big story here…

I was contacted today by someone who says they worked for the Post Office for for 23 years, latterly in and, in response to the to-ing and fro-ing over when prospective SPMRs saw their contract and how much of it, if any they read, he says this:

“It was usual practice to give the contract to the Spmr on the transfer day when it is manic. The cash and stock is independently checked by POL auditors, signed for by the Spmr and then you are live serving whilst the POL trainer gets you to sign for the contract, the cash and stock even the number of scales etc. It has never been common practice to release the contract before appointment. And the best you might have got is a précis of the headlines but obviously this has changed many times…

“Maybe many Spmr were naive in not requesting a copy of the contract but perhaps that’s because they thought they were dealing with an honourable organisation ?!”

Sorry this is shorter than usual – thanks for continuing to forward this to non-converts and please to make sure the blog gets read – there will be some good stuff in there as the trial goes on.

Til tomorrow…

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