Hi there
Just a very quick post to let you know I’ve set out the recusal situation and the response to it.
I hadn’t seen the comments from Freeths, the JFSA solicitors until just now. This is what they have said to the claimants:
“Post Office has strongly resisted this Group Litigation and has put hurdles in the way at multiple points in the case so far. This is another example of Post Office attempting to stall and delay the progress of this case, and we are taking this very seriously.
“Whilst we appreciate that many of you will be troubled by this nuclear move by Post Office, please do not be alarmed by this. Whilst this will cause some delay, we, your legal team, are taking all necessary steps to ensure that the application is resolved as speedily as possible.”
I didn’t have time to write about the Fujitsu evidence which came out in court yesterday. You will have that Monday lunchtime, I promise.
Other articles written on the recusal:
Computer Weekly editor in Chief
Former Computer Weekly editor in chief (the man who commissioned the initial article on this story in 2009)
Great Computer Weekly piece featuring quotes from Lord Arbuthnot (interviewed before the recusal)
If anyone comes across any others please let me know. Surprised nothing went up in the FT – maybe I’ve missed it.
Have a great weekend.
Please feel free to forward this email. The more people who read it, the more people find out about what is the biggest trial going through the UK courts right now.