Secret email about the Post Office Scandal. Shh!

Speaking cheese

Hi all

This is likely the first of two secret emails today. By this evening I hope to have published a few court docs, written a brief preview to the resumption of the Horizon trial (which restarts tomorrow) and written up Tracy’s story.

Tracy was 19 years old when the Post Office accused her of theft, sacked and prosecuted her and secured a conviction which saw her thrown in prison. Tracy tried to take her own life on two occasions and 19 years later she is still receiving therapy for PTSD and the mental health problems she suffered as a result of her ordeal.

Needless to say the Post Office had no evidence she had stolen any money, just a deficit on the Horizon terminal she used.

Tracy agreed to tell her story after the Post Office made a song and dance about its commitment to the mental health of its employees. Several people were outraged by this. It was very brave of Tracy to come forward.

Accounts readable

The main reason for getting in touch now is to tell you I’ve completed a bit of book-keeping so you can see how your donations have helped me keep going. The main messages are:

1. We are in good shape.

2. If you’ve already donated, please don’t donate again.

3. I will launch another fundraising drive to cover Year 2 of the project. That is when I will politely cough as I subtly indicate the virtual tip jar with my eyebrows.

For the full, current picture please go to: “Accounts 4: at least I’ve spent less than the Post Office

CWU vs Post Office

I am currently sitting in a coffee shop opposite Victory House on the Kingsway in Central London. I was intending to be sitting in an employment tribunal inside Victory House but I’m not allowed. The CWU are taking on the Post Office to try to get worker status for Postmasters which would help them secure a number of rights, not least the minimum wage.

Turns out it’s a private hearing. I made a request to come in and report it anyway. The judge seemed open to the idea. So were the CWU, but the Post Office lawyers said no.

I am hoping the next hearing will be open as I think this story could be of significant interest to many serving Subpostmasters.


Out of interest, from what I understand, it used to be possible to earn a more-or-less decent living as a Subpostmaster. Now I’m reading about Subpostmasters earning far less than the minimum wage.

Who/what is to blame for this?

Is it declining footfall or the Network Transformation deal?

If so – who is to blame for that? The Post Office proposed it, obviously, but the NFSP negotiated it and I think I might be right in saying the NFSP membership voted for it.

Is that right? We know the NFSP is not a proper union, but if the membership voted on the deal and agreed it (as I’m sure I remember reading in some NFSP bumf somewhere), then this does have a whiff of caveat emptor about it. I realise the NFSP might well have sold its members a pup, but its staggeringly high membership levels suggest most people are either happy about the service it provides or haven’t got the wherewithal to research the alternatives.

If it is neither declining footfall or the NT deal – why have things got so bad? Or are they only bad for a minority?

My area of expertise is limited to the campaign by aggrieved (largely former) Subpostmasters to seek redress over the way they’ve been treated when problems with Horizon arrive, but it does sound like there are some pretty desperate people currently working as Subpostmasters and I need to get better informed about what’s been happening to them and the future of the network etc. Obviously I will be following the CWU’s campaign to get worker status closely, and I am watching and read as much as I can about the BEIS inquiry into network sustainability, but nothing beats hearing things from people right on the frontline.

I know there are a growing number of existing Subpostmasters (and a sprinkling of existing Post Office employees) who get these secret emails, so please do reply with anything you want to tell me – in confidence, of course.

Kind regards


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