• It seems like we’ve got the Post Office scandal all wrong. The moment the Post Office caved and finally agreed to get independent investigators Second Sight into the building was nothing to do with the campaign by MPs and Alan Bates’ Justice for Subpostmasters Alliance. It was, in fact, all down to the Post Office’s heroic Chief Operating Officer, “Missing” Mike Young. When the former army soldier-turned police officer first joined the Post Office as Operations Director in 2008 he had responsibility for the Security Division, which spent its time conducting inept investigations whilst recommending the prosecution of innocent Subpostmasters.…

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The Untouchables: someone’s lying

It’s only a minor point, but it speaks to integrity, so I’m going to make it. Nick Read – current Post Office chief executive – has been “accused” of describing certain people within the organisation as “untouchables”. During his first day of evidence to the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry…

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Police interview third suspect in Post Office scandal investigation

Four-and-a-half years after their investigation into the Post Office scandal began, the Metropolitan Police have finally interviewed a third suspect under caution. The two other individuals were interviewed in October 2021 and again in September 2022. They are believed to be former Fujitsu engineers Gareth Jenkins and Anne Chambers. The…

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Post Office torpedoes its relationship with MoneyGram

The Post Office has ceased to trade with MoneyGram, a company which Post Office customers can use to send money abroad. One Subpostmaster told me “these transactions were a pain but they were one of the very few that paid a decent remuneration.” Writing on Monday, Ed Dutton, the Post…

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Board member spells out Post Office executive dysfunction

Saf Ismail, Post Office Non-Executive Director The utter dysfunction of the Post Office as an organisation has been laid bare by one of its serving directors. Saf Ismail was one of two Subpostmasters (the other being Elliot Jacobs) appointed to the Post Office board in 2021. Ismail appears to be…

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Post Office CEO Nick Read announces his departure

Nick Read, Post Office CEO Nick Read, the Post Office Chief Executive, is standing down at the end of March next year. In an email to Subpostmasters (first picked by the ever-vigilant Sky News City Editor, Mark Kleinman) Read wrote: “it has been a privilege to work with you during…

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Were some Subpostmaster discrepancies down to internal fraud?

Tim Chapman, outside Yalding Post Office in Kent Since the rollout of the Horizon IT system in 1999/2000, the Post Office has been unable to tell the difference between computer error and fraud. Whilst relentlessly pursuing innocent people, it potentially failed to spot the multiple ways public money could be…

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Newsletter Archive

You can find below dates, locations, and links to ticket details for any live events I’m doing in the near future. If you’d like me to speak at, give a presentation to or host one of your events, please get in touch via the contact form on this website. October 2024 Thu 24 October – IoD Ireland Leading in Governance Conference 2024, Aviva Stadium, Dublin. 2.30pm onwards. IoD members only. More details here. Keynote presentation on lessons to be learned about corporate governance in the light of the Post Office Horizon IT Scandal. November 2024 Thursday 14 November – 9th…

Latest episode:

35: Ep35 – Paul Scully MP, former Post Office minister Investigating the Post Office Scandal

In which Nick interviews the former Post Office minister about his experience of taking office in the weeks after the Bates v Post Office settlement, overseeing the establishment of the Post Office Horizon Inquiry and the various compensation schemes.

Hello, my name is Nick Wallis. I am a freelance journalist. This website is designed to be a hub for my activity reporting the Post Office Horizon Scandal. Most of the work I have done on this story is crowdfunded. The crowdfunding pays for the journalism on this website. Occasionally I get lucky and someone pays me to do a bit of broadcast or newspaper journalism, which I am always grateful for. I have presented, produced and consulted on three BBC Panoramas about the Post Office scandal. I have written about it for Private Eye (with the genius that is…

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I cannot guarantee to reply to every email, but I promise I will read every one.